Chapter 7: other keypad functions, Inquiring, Inquire status – Sensaphone Express II User Manual

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Chapter 7: Other Keypad Functions


The same menu system that is used for programming the
Express II is also used to verify programming. To check the
programming of a particular parameter, just follow the same
steps as if programming, except start with the INQUIRE key
instead of
the PROGRAM key. The Express II will prompt
you with the same menu choices as if you were programming
until you have reached the desired information. Express II
will “speak” the programming parameters and display them
at the same time. You can also:

Inquire Status:
General status information can also be requested from
the keypad. If you press INQUIRE and then STATUS, the
Express II will first give you information from internal
functions on power, battery and sound levels, then ask what
else you want status information from. You will be given four

1-Input Status
2-Output Status
3-Mic Listen In (valid only remotely)
4-Dump Programming

1–2 - Input/Output Status: If you choose Input or Output
Status the Express II will ask you for an input or output
number or have you press “

9” “9” to hear the status of all

inputs or outputs.

3 - Mic Listen In: Allows you to listen in to sounds on site
through the Express II’s microphone.

4 - Dump Programming: Dumps all the program settings
to a printer for recording. Remember that you must have
a printer with a serial port connected to the Express II in
order to use this feature. It is useful if you wish to clear and
reprogram the unit or to have a printed record of settings.

Chapter 7: Other Keypad Functions


1) Press Inquire.

2) Press Status

3) The Express II will read off

current power and sound
settings, and then display a
menu of choices:

4) If you select

Input status or

Output status, the Express II
will ask you to select a specific
input/output, or else choose all
of them by pressing “

9” “9”.


Mic Listen In is useful if you

need to hear on-site sounds,
and activates the Express II


Dump Programming is useful

only when a printer with a
serial port is connected to the
Express II. It does not reset or
clear settings. For that, consult
“System” in Chapter 5.