S&S Cycle Three Piece Flywheel Assemblies for 1999-Up Harley-Davidson big twin engines and S&S T-Series engines User Manual

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NOTE - Rear piston has piston to piston clearance notch machined in
piston skirt, place notch toward center of engine.

c. Install both cylinders and temporarily secure each cylinder with

one nut.

d. Rotate flywheel to positions where connecting rods are closest

to crankcase and cylinder spigots in front and rear. There must
be a minimum of .060" clearance between connecting rods and
crankcases or cylinder spigots. See Picture 2, above.

e. Clearance crankcases or cylinder spigots if needed by grinding or

machining material from areas of contact or insufficient clearance.
Connecting rod to crankcase clearance is usually not a problem
with S&S Stroker kits, but if engines are built with longer strokes or
heavier connecting rods a potential for contact exists.

f. If the right crankcase half requires clearancing, the left crankcase

half will also require clearancing. Clearance as needed.

NOTE - If clearancing is required, tape off the bearings to prevent chips
from getting into bearings.

g. Disassemble cylinders and pistons. Remove flywheel assembly

from right crankcase.

3. Clean all lower end parts for final assembly.
4. Thoroughly clean crankcase mating surfaces with solvent and a

shop-quality scrubbing pad to remove any residual gasket material
from the sealing surfaces.

5. Wash the cases in warm soapy water, rinse and blow dry. Wipe them

one last time with a clean, dry cloth.

NOTE - Cleaning parts prior to and during assembly and keeping parts
clean after final assembly are imperative to minimize contaminants that
may circulate in oil and shorten engine life. Many parts can be cleaned
with soap and water first. Then, reclean all internal parts and gasket
mating surfaces using high quality solvent that does not leave any harmful

6. If flywheel assembly is to be installed in 2003-later stock Harley-

Davidson® crankcases with straight roller sprocket shaft bearing,
follow installation procedure and specifications in Harley-Davidson
service manual.

1999-’02 Harley-Davidson® big twin engines have Timken® sprocket shaft

bearings. Stock 2003 and later engines use the same roller type bearing
for the sprocket shaft that is used on the pinion shaft.

• S&S offers two styles of flywheel assemblies to accommodate both

styles of crankcases. One style is designed for use with Timken® sprocket
shaft bearings. They will fit directly in stock 1999-’02 Harley-Davidson®
crankcases, all S&S crankcases for 1999-later big twin engines, and 2003
and later Harley-Davidson cases which have been updated to accept
Timken® sprocket shaft bearings. These flywheels may be used in 2003
and later engines if Harley-Davidson® bearing kit #24004-03B is installed.

• If installing #24004-03B bearing kit, verify that it contains 24604-00D

or 24607-07 sprocket shaft bearing. Do not use a 24604-00, 24604-00A,
24604-00B or 24604-00C bearing.

• S&S also produces flywheel assemblies that are a direct replacement for

2003 and later big twin engines and includes a bearing race for the stock
roller bearings installed on the sprocket shaft.

7. If flywheel is to be installed in stock 1999-’02 crankcases, S&S

crankcases, or 2003-later stock crankcase which have been converted
to Timken® sprocket shaft bearings, follow steps 8 through 30.

NOTE - S&S recommends that Timken® bearing end play be checked
before final assembly of the flywheels in the crankcases. The simplest way
to do this is to make a “slip-fit” test sprocket shaft. Turn the diameter of a
used sprocket shaft down about .002" so that the Timken bearing will slide
easily over it for this test. Weld a vise tab on the flywheel end of the shaft so
it can be held securely in a large vise. SEE PICTURE 3, ABOVE

8. Clamp the test shaft in a vise with the shaft pointing straight up.

9. Slide the inner bearing over the test sprocket shaft.

10. Put the left crankcase half over the inner bearing. Do not oil the

bearings for this test.

11. Slide the Timken bearing spacer over the test shaft followed by the

outer bearing.

12. Load the bearing with either a sprocket shaft nut and spacer or a

bearing installer tool.

13. Attach a dial indicator to the work bench or the sprocket shaft, and

place the probe on the crankcase near the sprocket shaft. Check
the amount of endplay in the bearing by moving the crankcase up
and down, noting the readings on the dial indicator.


Picture 2

Picture 3