S&S Cycle TÜV Long Block User Manual
S&s cycle, inc, S&s tüv long block owner's manual, Important notice

S&S Cycle, Inc.
14025 County Hwy. G P.O. Box 215
Viola, Wisconsin 54664
Phone 608-627-1497 Fax 608-627-1488
Customer Service Email: [email protected]
Technical Service Email: [email protected]
Owner's Manual No. 51-1002
Copyright ©, 2001
by S&S Cycle, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
S&S TÜV Long Block Owner's Manual
Congratulations on purchasing an S&S engine! Your new engine is designed and manufactured with the same care and attention
to detail as those used to set speed records and win races around the world. This engine conforms to all applicable regulations
effective on the date of manufacture.
This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the operation, care, and maintenance of your engine, to notify you of
important safety information, and to provide authorized service personnel with necessary emissions control specifications. Other
S&S publications discuss repairs and/or changes to the engine configuration. The motorcycle manufacturer’s manuals should
be consulted for information related to other parts of the motorcycle.
Name: ___________________________________________
Engine Identification No.: ____________________________________
Street: ___________________________________________
Displacement: _____________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
TÜV Certification No. - EMC: __________ 350-576-99-FBTK_________
State: ____________________ Zip Code: ______________
TÜV Certification No. - Engine Description: ________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
TÜV Certification No. - Exhaust: ________________________________
Notes _____________________________________________
TÜV Certification No. - Sound: _________________________________
___________________________________________________ Ignition System: ____________________________________________
___________________________________________________ Vehicle Identification No.: ____________________________________
Statements in this Owner’s Manual preceded by the following words are of special significance.
Means there is the possibility of injury to yourself or others.
Means there is the possibility of damage to the engine or motorcycle.
Other information of particular importance has been placed in italic type.