S&S Cycle IST Ignition System for S&S V-Series Engines with Flywheel Machined for Crank Trigger User Manual

Page 4

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A. Removal of Existing Ignition Components

1. Ignition Module

a. Locate the ignition module installed on your motorcycle. The ignition module can usually be found under the seat, a side cover, or in front

of the engine on the frame. See Picture 3, below left. Refer to the service manual for your motorcycle if you have trouble locating it.

b. Remove the module mounting hardware and unplug the module See Picture 4, below right. The plug is disconnected by simultaneously

pressing the locking tabs on the connector and pulling it away from the module. Save the mounting hardware for installation of the S&S
ignition module.

2. Existing Coil, VOES, and Cam Position Sensor

a. If so equipped, remove the existing dual fire ignition coil. This is usually located on the left side near the upper motor mount, above the

engine front rocker box, or to the left of the engine near the seat. Remove or insulate the “+” and module terminals in the existing harness
with heat shrink.

b. If so equipped, remove the existing vacuum operated electrical switch (VOES). This is located between the heads. Remove or insulate the

terminals and connector in the existing harness with heat shrink.

B. S&S® System Installation

Be careful not to damage the front of the tank when raising or removing it.

Although it may not be necessary in some cases, removal of the gas tank is recommended for ease of installation of the Engine Temperature
Sensor, the Knock Sensor Assembly, the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor and to allow routing of the wiring harness. An alternative to
complete tank removal: Loosen (do not remove) the bolt at the front of the tank and remove the mounting bolt(s) at the rear of the tank. The
rear of the tank may then be raised slightly to allow enough room to install these components.

NOTE: Clearances are limited at the front of the tank. Use care not to damage any painted surfaces while handling tank.

Installing components without removing the fuel tank is a time saving suggestion only. If there is any reservation on the part of the installing
mechanic about performing this installation with the fuel tank in place, refer to the appropriate OEM service manual for correct procedure for
removing fuel tank and related components.

1. Manifold flange Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor Installation.

Some engines use a special intake flange bolt with an integral temperature sensor. See Picture 5, next page.

a. Remove the bolt from the front intake mounting flange.

b. Install the Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor and washer in the front head intake mounting flange.

c. Tighten to 6-10 ft.-lbs. (standard intake bolt torque).


Picture 3

Picture 4