RKI Instruments Beacon 110 User Manual

Page 32

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Beacon 110 Operator’s Manual


When you have scrolled through all the adjustable parameters, SAVE IT? YES/NO
appears on the display.


To save the adjustments made, press and release the UP/YES button. Config Saved
is indicated on the display for a few seconds and the Beacon 110 returns to normal

If you do not wish to save the adjustments, press and release the DOWN/NO button.
The DO OVER? YES/NO message will display. Press and release the DOWN/NO
button. The ABORT? YES/NO message will display.Press the UP/YES button to
return to normal operation.

(None if no strobe is installed, Non
Reset if a strobe is installed)

If set as None, there is no strobe operation.
If set as NonReset, it is not possible to turn off the strobe with the reset
switch while the Beacon 110 is in an alarm 2 condition.
If set as CanReset, the strobe can be turned off while the Beacon 110 is
in an alarm 2 condition by pressing the reset switch.

A2 OnDy (alarm 2 on delay)
(2 min for oxygen, 1 secs for all other
channel types)

The amount of time the Beacon 110 delays activation of the alarm 2 cir-
cuit once an alarm 2 condition is initiated.

A2 OffDy (alarm 2 off delay)
(0 sec.)

The amount of time the Beacon 110 delays turning off the alarm 2 circuit
once an alarm 2 condition passes. This parameter appears only if the
alarm 2 relay reset setting is set to SELF-RST.

(0.5% oxygen for oxygen type, 2% of
full scale for all other types

The zero suppression feature helps prevent “jumpy” readings near the
fresh air reading.
For example, if the zero suppression setting for a combustible detector is
2.0% LEL, the Beacon 110 will display a reading of 0% LEL for gas read-
ings from -2% LEL to 2% LEL.

(5 secs)

The filter feature helps “smooth out” jumpy or noisy signals from the
detector. You can set the filter from 0 seconds to 60 seconds in 5 sec-
onds increments.
The displayed gas reading is the average reading over the previous time
period defined by the filter setting. So if the filter is set to 5 seconds, the
displayed gas reading is the average over the past 5 seconds.

CAL Time
(15 mins)

The calibration time-out sets the amount of time after the last button push
while in Calibration Mode that the Beacon 110 will wait before returning
to normal operation. If the calibration time-out is set to 15 mins, then
Beacon 110 will return to normal operation automatically 15 minutes after
the last button push.

Table 7: Configuration Parameters (Continued)


(Factory Set Value)
