Operating the machine, Switching on and off, Setting the gap width to zero position – Retsch BB 50 User Manual
Page 23

Operating the machine
Pos : 9. 13 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Ein- / Auss chalt en @ 0\ mod_1229416527496_9. doc x @ 5058 @ 2 @ 1
Switching On and Off
Pos : 9. 14 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/BB50/ 0007 Bedi enung/ 0009 BB50 M odul Ein Aus Schalt en @ 5\ mod_1345800934785_9. doc x @ 34520 @ @ 1
Fig. 12: Switching on / off
The main switch (H) can be found on the back of the machine.
Switch the main switch (H) on.
The displays for the gap width and the speed light up.
The machine is ready to use.
Pos : 9. 15 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Spalt weit e auf Nulls tell ung s et zen @ 5\ mod_1345445748972_9.doc x @ 34160 @ 2 @ 1
Setting the gap width to zero position
Pos : 9. 16 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/BB50/ 0007 Bedi enung/ 0011 BB50 M odul Spalt weite Nulls tell ung @ 5\ mod_1346050929641_9.doc x @ 34540 @ @ 1
The gap width may only be adjusted during idling without grinding material.
Grinding material may be neither in the crushing chamber nor in the fill hopper.
The breaking jaws may not have any contact so as to prevent a blockage and the
associated potential damage to the breaking jaws.
Switch the machine on at the main switch.
Remove all grinding material from the fill hopper and crushing chamber.
When aligning the gap width, the breaking jaws must not demonstrate any contact
to each other when beginning the adjustment.
Before starting the machine, twist the hand wheel (D)
2 revolutions in an anti-clockwise direction.
Fig. 13: Aligning the gap width
Start the machine by pressing the START button (F6)
Turn the hand wheel (D) clockwise until a clicking acoustically signals
the contact of the crusher arms.
Press the button (F3).