Transport, scope of delivery, installation, Removing the transport safeguard, Installation of the machine – Retsch BB 50 User Manual
Page 18

Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Fig. 6: Mounting the transport aid
Fix the two transport aids (W) using screws (WS) to the machine.
Pos : 7. 21 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Tr ans portsic her ung entf ernen @ 0\mod_1227530921618_9. doc x @ 3980 @ 2 @ 1
Removing the transport safeguard
Pos : 7. 22 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/BB50/ 0006 Ver pac kung, Tr ansport und Aufs tellung/ 0010 BB50 Modul Trans portsic herung ent fer nen @ 5\ mod_1357546736532_9.doc x @ 37050 @ @ 1
Fig. 7: Removing the transport lock
The machine is secured by steel plates on both sides.
Remove the two screws (TS).
Pull the transport lock (TB) out sideways.
Pos : 7. 23 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Aufst ellen des G erätes Retsc h @ 0\ mod_1226498849756_9. doc x @ 3464 @ 2 @ 1
Installation of the machine
Pos : 7. 24 /0005 RET SCH/ 0099 R ETSCH Standar d Kapitel /G eneral Modul Aufs tell ungs höhe @ 0\ mod_1228918538349_9. doc x @ 4724 @ @ 1
Installation height: maximum 2000 m above sea level
Pos : 8 / 0005 R ETSCH /0005 RET SCH Bedienungs anl eit ung en Kapi tels ammlungen/------- Seit enumbruc h ----------- @ 0\ mod_1222344373758_0. doc x @ 2386 @ @ 1