Introduction – Precisionsound Jetstream User Manual

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2014


By Iain Morland

My goal with this project was to make a flexible and inspiring sound design tool that recreates my
own workflow for designing sounds.

I wanted to make a sound library that blends the convenience of premade loops with the creative
possibilities of custom layering and modulation.

The loops in Jetstream are a diverse selection of environmental, electronic and mechanical material,
pre-processed for sonic interest but simple enough to layer without becoming cluttered. I included
some noise and sine waveforms that are useful building blocks for wind-like textures and even
chromatic synths.

Sometimes creating sounds in a multitrack audio editor is very time-consuming, and the range of
processing possibilities are distracting. Jetstream offers a focused interface with compact mixer strips
and a carefully tailored effects chain to make sound design fast and intuitive.

Being able to change the volume, pitch, panning, and start position of up to four simultaneous loops
– or even the same loop treated in four different ways – opens a world of sound design. Adding the
abilities to modulate each mixer strip, and to feed the results into four banks of independently
modulated filters, enables you to create thousands of unique sounds.

In addition, the global envelope controls can radically change the output of Jetstream, varying
between sustained drones, rising sweeps, and one-shot hits. Sounds of all kinds are represented in
the bundled presets created by me and Lars Westin.

I love using unusual impulse responses to colour sound, so have included an extensive set of unique
impulses. These can add a subtle atmosphere or tail when mixed with a sound, or can entirely
transform the sound when used 100% wet.

I hope you create many wonderful sounds with Jetstream!