Precisionsound Moldova Concert Cimbalom User Manual
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© Copyright Precisionsound 201
There was three pair of mallets used at the recording.
• Soft mallets - made in Hungary.
• Middle/Medium mallets – made in Moldova.
• Hard mallets – made in Romania.
The recording was made in the "Usachevsky" studio at the University of Utah, and the instrument was
played by Igor Iachimciuc, who is known as one of the best Cimbalom players/composers in Moldova.
All notes in the instruments whole range
have been recorded in 3 velocity layers for
all 3 mallet types, in both sustained and
damped versions. We also recorded
Harmonics (sustained) and the Moldova
Cimbalom played with nails (Pizzicato),
both sustained and damped and to round
it off, a huge selection of clusters and
effects has been recorded. Two
microphones for stereo representation
have been utilized (AKG 414) and the
recording was made on a Pro Tools
All samples were recorded at 24 bits, and 44.1 Sample Rate. The SampleSet contains 1208 24bit stereo
WAV samples mapped in 21 programs each for HALion 1.11 – and above, and Kontakt 1.2 – and above.