Precisionsound Nordic Psalmodikon User Manual
Page 4
© Copyright Precisionsound 2013
The Picked articulation is different. When the modulation wheel is raised while the Picked articulation is
active, a dedicated compressor will increasingly emphasise the attack of the pick, for a drier and more
percussive sound.
Double: this button puts the instrument into a special mode where the recorded variations of each note
are stacked together. When Double is on, two additional dials appear on the interface:
Stereo: sets the panning of the note variations. At 0%, both variations are panned centrally. At 100%,
they are panned wide left and right.
Detune: sets the tuning of the note variations. At 0%, both variations are tuned normally. At 100%, they
are detuned by +/-20 cents.
Attack: sets the time in milliseconds for the sound of the instrument to reach full volume when a note is
Decay: sets the time in milliseconds for the sound of the instrument to die away to silence when a note
is released.
Velocity: sets the relationship between how hard you strike the keys (MIDI velocity) and the volume of
the sound. At 0%, the volume of the sound is unaffected by how hard you play. At 100%, the volume of
the sound is strongly affected by how hard you play.