Precisionsound Gothenburg Reed Organ User Manual

Page 4

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2013

Registers Page

On the Registers page, you can choose and combine organ sounds. Each organ sound represents a

unique register setting on the Gothenburg Reed Organ.

The buttons and dials on the left of the page adjust the organ sounds in the Lower keyboard range, from

F0 – E2 inclusive. Three sounds are available here: Euphon 4, Diapason 8, and Echo 8.

The buttons and dials on the right of the page adjust the organ sounds in the Upper keyboard range,

from F2 – F5 inclusive. Three sounds are available here: Clarinet 8, Melodia 8, and Choral 8.

For each organ sound, the following controls are provided:

The rectangular button turns the sound on/off.

The Volume dial sets the level in decibels of the sound.

The Tune dial sets the tuning of the sound, between -/+ 30 cents.

If all the buttons on this page are off, the instrument will make no sound when MIDI notes are

played between F0 – F5.

Sound Effects

Beyond the register range, we have mapped some sound effects of the organ in operation. These are

always playable even if all register buttons are off.

You’ll find bump and button sounds between F-2 – E2 inclusive, and pump sounds between F#5 – C#7
