Precisionsound Monzter Guitars User Manual
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Keep in mind, that Monzter Guitars are designed for massively out-of-the-
box rock / metal songs. The magic hides in lightly-diminishing the Monzter
Guitars and therefore pushing the vocal recordings, without resulting in a
lack of dynamics.
• How to remove the machine gun FX: “What techniques do you use to
make the repetitive power-chords sound so seamless (for example in the
song ‘Monzters’)? Mine sound choppy and 'machine gun-like'. The attack
sounds too loud to me.”
You have got a pattern with repetitive chords and want to let it sound more
1. Make use of your sequencer’s quantization tools and move the single
notes +/-15ms
1.1 Monzter Guitars II Fifth Notes – Velocity Levels
2. Use the different, layered velocity samples (see 1.1) for sustained and
staccato notes, providing a tad more versatile sound. Simply edit the
velocity levels of your notes in the sequencer.
For example: 1
note (35) -2
note (85) – 3
note (127)