Precisionsound Monzter Drumz User Manual
Page 4

Other formats and content
Folder: PSMD/
Folder: PSMD_GOG/
Folder: PSMD_Sf2/
For Cubase users we've made a special drum map. This map will allow you a faster workflow and
more convenient editing because all similar samples are put next to each other with names to let you
know what every key does rather than jumping around the keyboard looking for them. Although the
keyboard mapping is very similar to your other favorite drum samples library, having a drum map will
greatly improve your work pace.
Folder: PSMD_GOG/Monzter Drumz – GOG/
To use the gogs, put the folder called "Monzter Drumz - GOG" into your gog files folder
(Drumagog/Gog Files) and they will show up as a separate folder within Drumagog. The GOG files
feature only the Close mic'd drums from the full version (except the snare which is a blend of close
and overhead, specifically for the GOG) and are intended to be used as sample replacements and
enhancements on real drum recordings.
More info on Drumagog can be found at
Folder: PSMD_GOG/
Monzter Drumz – WAV/
The individual wav files that make up the GOGs are also provided for use with other drum replacers.
Folder: PSMD_GOG/
We've also supplied you with a special Track Archive for Cubase users that feature KICK, SNARE and
TOMS already set up and routed with Drumagog inserted Audio and MIDI channels that you can
import into any session you're already working on, to kick start any replacing or MIDI programming
you wish to make. Just go to the File menu in Cubase and select Import > Track Archive.