Precisionsound Carina Accordion User Manual
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© Copyright Precisionsound 201
Carina Accordion for NI Kontakt 3, 4 & 5
This file in NI Kontakt 3, 4 & 5 format requires the full version of NI Kontakt 3, 4 & 5 and does not
work fully with the free Kontakt player!
Register + Tone page.
Pulldown menu with the available registers, the name of the selected register and note for
keyswitch are visible. C1 = Bassoon, C#1 = Bandoneon, D1 = Organ, D#1 = Master, E1 = Oboe, F1 =
Clarinet, F#1 = Piccolo. If you save the NKI patch, or save a host session containing the patch, Kontakt
will remember the selected register when it is reopened.
Play mode: pulldown menu, beneath the register menu, lets you select how the belly in/out samples
are triggered.
• In Velocity Layers mode, the belly position changes depending on how hard you play.
• In Round Robin Solo mode, the belly position alternates on each note played, irrespective of
• In Round Robin Pedal mode, the belly position is controlled by pressing or releasing the sustain
pedal (CC64), again irrespective of velocity. Round Robin Pedal mode is more suited to playing
chords than Round Robin Solo mode, because the belly position does not alternate on each
note of the chord.
Each play mode also has round robin release samples configured to suit the mode. Please note that
the sustain pedal does not sustain the accordion notes, because it is used as a play mode.
Release: Level control knob controls the volume of the release samples.
EQ: with Tone and Amount control knob.
Additionally, the modwheel (CC1) controls a dynamic EQ that simulates the pressure on the belly of
the accordion. The pitchbend wheel applies small changes in volume. Turning down the pitchbend
wheel lowers the volume and turning it up raises the volume.