Oxygenics Rejuvenate Fixed User Manual
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eaSy iNSTallaTiON
STeP 3
Wrap plumber’s tape
clockwise 3 or 4 turns
around threaded end of
shower arm.
STeP 1
Remove your existing
shower head. To
remove, turn the
existing shower head
in a counterclockwise
STeP 4
In a clockwise direction,
screw your new shower
head onto the taped
portion of the shower arm.
Hand tighten only.
STeP 2
Remove any remnants of
old plumber’s tape and
flush out shower pipe for
5 to 10 seconds.
WHaT’S iNcluded
Fixed Shower Head
Plumber’s Tape
eaSy TWiST
SPray SelecTiON
Enjoying multiple spray
patterns during your
shower has never
been easier. With
the Rejuvenate’s
easy twist
design, simply
rotate the easy
spray selector for a
quick spray change.