Orbital Research Aerodynamics Research User Manual
Page 2

Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.
Telephone (216) 649-0399
E-mail [email protected]
demonstrated the use of Intelligent Control Modules (miniature
collocated sensor-actuator pairs) coupled with local feedback
controllers for localized flow control. These ICMs are then
modulated by a Global Control System (GCS), to actively track
the desired rolling and pitching moment trajectories of an aircraft.
A full 6 DOF numerical simulation was used to demonstrate this
novel modular flow control approach for virtual shaping of air
Orbital Research, Inc. has developed a new flow control technique
that uniquely combines the effects of porosity and patterned-
perturbations to enable active modulation of a flowfield around a
surface for improved aerodynamic performance. This technique,
known as Reconfigurable Porosity, generates a fundamental flow
instability by allowing small amounts of mass transfer in and out of
the uniquely-patterned porous surface to energize the boundary
layer for flow control. Wind tunnel experiments utilizing this
technique on projectile-fins and a wing model demonstrate the
ability to generate control forces that can effectively be used for
pitch, yaw, and roll control of various aerodynamic and
hydrodynamic planforms.
In a recent program with the U.S. Special Operations Command
(SOCOM), ORI demonstrated an effective jet vectoring
technology to dissipate highly-visible wake structures that form
behind military combatant watercraft, such as the 11m Rigid
Inflatable Boat (RIB) and the MkV. The technology utilizes passive
flow control methods to control the waterjet direction, while
preserving the propulsor's thrust performance, and in some
instances, improving the boat performance and handling.
In another program, ORI is developing adaptive control structures
and novel micro-adaptive flow control techniques to improve the
range and end-game maneuvering of Future Combat Systems
(FCS) projectiles. Advanced concepts such as Aero Control Fins -
fins with flow control devices, and active flow control on the
projectile boattail, are developed through wind tunnel testing and
CFD studies. The technologies developed in this program are
generic in nature and could be applied to any projectile planform
for range extension and improved maneuverability.
ORI's flow modeling and research capabilities include a full Navier-
Stokes equation solver with a flexibility to solve approximated N-S
equations such as parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS), Euler, and thin
layer Navier-Stokes (TLNS). These capabilities are available
though the WIND code. Pre- and post-processing tools include
MADCAP - grid generation Software, GMAN - Grid Manipulation
software, CFPOST and TECPLOT - post processing software.
To date, ORI has conducted CFD studies to investigate the effects
of different flow control actuators such as suction, blowing, zero-
net-mass synthetic jets, porosity, and discrete suction on a variety
of aerodynamic models. Most recently, ORI has conducted CFD
studies to understand and optimize flow through nozzles for
improved stealth and thrust performance. Current CFD programs
include fluidic thrust vectoring on tactical missiles and enhanced
control of smart munitions through the use of advanced flow
control concepts.
Reference Paper: AIAA Paper # 2003-3663
Reference Paper: AIAA Paper # 2003-3665
Reference Paper: AIAA Paper # 2003-3673
Reference Papers: AIAA Paper #'s 2002-0668, 2003-0547
Reconfigurable Porosity for Flow Control
Signature Reduction of Combatant Craft
Range and Controls Extension for Munitions
Computational Fluid Dynamics: Flow Control
Intelligent Control Module
(ICM) with sensor-actuator-
controller for Virtual
Aerodynamic Shaping
Mach contours with Active
Flow Control actuators -
Control of Flow Separation
Mach contours without Active
Flow Control actuators
Copyright 2003
Rev: MPP-10-23-03
rbital Research, Inc.
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 500
leveland, OH 44103-3733