Nonsmooth adaptive control – Orbital Research Adaptive Nonlinear Control User Manual

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Orbital Research, Inc.
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 500

leveland, OH 44103-3733


Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.

Telephone (216) 649-0399

E-mail [email protected]

power integrator

adding a power


separation principle

adding a linear integrator


feedback domination


like parameterization

with a new parameter separation technique to

produce non-Lipschitz continuous adaptive regulators that achieve
global stability with asymptotic state regulation for cases where

there do not exist any smooth static or dynamic stabilizers.

The new results are based upon two new tools for the design of
nonlinear control systems, the technique of

and a novel

that permits the

construction of a linear-like parameterized system from a

nonlinearly parameterized system.

A new feedback design tool called

is used

to solve the problem of global robust stabilization for a significant

class of uncertain nonlinear systems that are of a lower triangular

form but neither necessarily feedback linearizable (fully or

partially) nor affine in the control input. This type of system

cannot be dealt with via conventional approaches but under
certain conditions, a globally stabilizing smooth state feedback

control law can be explicitly constructed by using the technique of

adding a power integrator.

The technique of adding a power integrator is a generalization of

the technique of

, also known as

. The technique of adding a power integrator,

however, is not a trivial extension of the integrator backstepping

technique because the two tools rely upon very different design
philosophies. To wit, traditional

techniques focus on

” the system at every step of the recursive

design procedure, usually by canceling the nonlinearities using

feedback. On the other hand, adding a power integrator focuses

on ways to exploit the dominant nonlinearities of the dynamic

system in the feedback design. Specifically, this technique relies

rather than feedback cancellation. In

other words, rather than relying upon nonlinear feedback to

cancel nonlinearities, linear and nonlinear control terms are

designed so that the effect of the system nonlinearities is

negligible. This is crucial as the cancellation of nonlinear terms is

analogous to pole-zero cancellation in linear control design and

hence can be destabilizing in the presence of parameterization


The vast majority of results presented in the literature thus far for

adaptive control focus on the design of adaptive controllers for

nonlinear systems with linear parameterization. That is to say, for
systems in which the unknown parameters appear linearly. Recent

work at CWRU introduces a novel separation principal that allows

a large class of nonlinear systems to be characterized by a

. Specifically, the work shows that every

continuous nonlinearly parameterized function

can be

dominated by two smooth bounding functions

, and ( )

, such that | (x

. Define

and the

function is decomposed as a

with respect to a new unknown parameter

. From this it follows that one can estimate the new parameter

, instead of , and design adaptive controllers directly for


system. It should be noted here also

that the conventional backstepping design cannot be applied to

the linear-like parameterized system because it is based upon

feedback linearization or cancellation. On the other hand, the

technique of adding a power integrator is ideally suited for the

design of adaptive controllers for linear-like parameterized

systems as it is based upon feedback domination. Due to the

nature of a domination design, one needs only knowing of the
bounding functions (i.e.

, not the precise knowledge of

the nonlinearity itself (i.e.


adding a power integrator


feedback linearizing

(x )



nonlinearly parameterized


parameterized function

linear-like parameterized

a( )b



a , b


x ( )

( )

( )

(x) ( ))


( )

Lin, W., Qian, C., “Adaptive Control of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems: The Smooth
Feedback Case,” In IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1249-1266,
Lin, W., Qian, C., “Adaptive Control of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems: A Nonsmooth

Feedback Framework,” In IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 757-774,

Qian, C., Lin, W., “Non-Lipschitz continuous stabilizers for nonlinear systems with

uncontrollable unstable linearizations,” In Syst. Cont. Lett., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 33-48, Jan.

Lin, W., Qian, C., “Adding one power integrator: a tool for global stabilization of high-order
lower-triangular systems,” In Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 39, pp. 339-351, 2000.

Lin, W., Qian, C., “Adaptive regulation of cascade systems with nonlinear

parameterization,” In Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 12, pp. 1093-1108,

Nonsmooth Adaptive Control

Adding a Power Integrator

A Separation Principle for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems
















Rather than identify a full set of system parameters via a filtering

approach and updating the control laws accordingly as is
commonly done, the approach described here must only identify

the value of the bounding function,

, and does so via the

construction of a

and attendant dynamics. By

reducing the identification problem to the identification of the

value of a single bounding function, a minimal parameterization is

which achieved significantly reduces computational overhead. By

relying upon a Lyapunov based adaption scheme, the identification

can be guaranteed to converge globally and hence the adaptive

controller is

Lyapunov function

Globally Asymptotically Regulating (GAR).


Copyright 2003

Rev C: RMK-12-5-2003

Benchmark underactuated system. The linear

approximation is unstable and uncontrollable
and hence is only controllable via nonlinear


Block diagram of nonlinear adaptive controller