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Orbital Research

673 G lpha Park Drive

leveland, OH 44143-2140



Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.

Telephone (440) 449-5785

E-mail [email protected]

Copyright 2003

rev 03.08c

Orbital Research, Inc.

4415 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103

Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.

Telephone (216) 649-0399

E-mail [email protected]

Copyright 2003

Rev. RRE 10-24-03

Orbital Research Inc. established in Cleveland Ohio
(1991), is a high technology company. Our corporate
mission is to develop and commercialize innovative
solutions for the medical, controls and transportation
industries through leveraging our expertise in MEMS
devices and advanced control software. Orbital

Research applies these core technologies to solve
technical challenges using low cost and commercially
viable solutions.


Who Can Benefit?

The system is a culmination of several innovative advanced

software solutions that can be forward- or back-fit on a

variety of cargo movement equipment. These hardware

platforms cover all forms of cargo transport through out a

ship including weapon stowage, and loading, horizontal and

vertical conveyors, semiautonomous or autonomous vehicles

(forklifts, pallet trucks) and unmanned vehicles.

Navy Payoffs

Simulation Graphics

Key government applications for the Unified Control Solution


Cargo movement operations including strike-up and

Ship semi-automation and fully automated systems
Weapon systems both for the ship as well as aircraft

stationed on the ships.
Unmanned air, ground and underwater vehicles
Satellite control

The key advancement over competitive controls technology is its

flexibility and modularity which permits rapid decision making

with or without a human in the loop and coordination of other

vehicles or tasks for greater reliability and savings.
The system is designed to be implemented in discrete elements,

independent of other components to simplify back-fit. It also has

the ability to provide enhanced situational awareness, guidance

and coordination to human controlled materials handling

equipment thereby improving the efficiency of existing systems

and allowing phased deployment. Thus, this technology spans

multiple military disciplines as well as military applications. This

technology can be utilized by all Navy program offices.

Orbital Research's ship automation mission

is to

develop and commercialize innovative modular and

flexible hardware and software technologies and

services to meet manpower reduction needs of ships

at sea while enhancing crew members' quality of life.

The modular components will facilitate automation of

vessels under dynamic sea-states and will significantly

expedite the stowage or breakout of stores and

weapons. We are dedicated to implementing and

supporting our state-of-the-art technologies working

closely with the Navy or ship manufacturer to produce

a cost affordable and robust automation system.

Feature Payoff

Improve performance of existing

materials handling systems

Reduce Risk & Cost

while Improving


Back -fit and forward-fit capable

system to enhance materials

handling system commonality for

both carriers and other Navy ships

Reduce Risk & Cost

Provide simulation to evaluate

effect of specific system


Reduce Risk & Cost

Improve Cargo Movement


Improve Warfighting

Reduce Required UNREP Time

Improve Warfighting

Reduce Crew Size

Reduce Cost