Operation – Multiquip LT6K User Manual

Page 35

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LT6K LIgHT TOWeR • OpeRaTIOn manuaL — Rev. #1 (08/28/14) — page 35


appLYIng an exTeRnaL LOad

This light tower is equipped with two auxiliary output

receptacles which are located on the control panel. One is

a 120/240 VAC twist lock receptacle the other is a 120VAC

GFCI receptacle.

120/240 vaC Twist-Lock Receptacle

This receptacle (Figure 20) is a dual voltage receptacle that

can provide 240 VAC @25 amps or 120 VAC @25 amps X2.

Figure 20. 120/240 Twist-Lock Receptacle

120 vaC gFCI Receptacle

This receptacle (Figure 21) can provide 120 VAC @15

amps. It is protected by a 15 amp breaker.

TesTIng THe 120 vaC gFCI ReCepTaCLe

Pressing the reset button resets the GFCI receptacle after

being tripped. Pressing the test button (See Figure 21) in

the center of the receptacle will check the GFCI function.

This receptacle should be tested at least once a month.

Figure 21. GFCI Test Button


neveR grab or touch a live power cord

with wet hands. The possibility exists

of electrical shock, electrocution, and

even death!





240 VAC

@ 25 AMPS

120 VAC

@ 25 AMPS




120 VAC

@ 25 AMPS

nORmaL sHuTdOWn

1. If a load is connected to the light tower,

remove the load.

2. Place CB2 and CB3,

light circuit breakers on the

control panel in the

OFF position.

3. Wait a few seconds and observe that all four lights



4. Place CB4,

GFCI circuit breaker on the control panel

in the

OFF position.

5. Place CB1,

main circuit breaker on the control panel

in the

OFF position.

6. Let the engine idle for a few minutes with no load.

7. Turn the ignition key to the

OFF position. Store key in

a safe location.

8. Lower light tower mast and place in stow position as

outlined in this manual.

9. Place outriggers in tow position, and remove chock


10. Store light tower in a clean, dry location out of the reach

of children and unauthorized personnel.

emeRgenCY sHuTdOWn

1. Turn the ignition key to the

OFF position and turn all

circuit breakers to the

OFF position.

LOWeRIng THe masT (exTensIOn)

1. Turn the mast extension winch counterclockwise, and

observe that the extension of the mast begins to lower.

2. Continue turning the winch counterclockwise until the

extension section of the mast has been fully retracted

(slack in the cable).

sTOWIng THe masT (HORIzOnTaL pOsITIOn)

1. Grab hold of the mast lock release lever and pull

upwards. This will release the mast so that it can be

placed in the horizontal (stow) position.

2. Turn the vertical mast winch counterclockwise and

observe that mast begins to approach the horizontal


3. Continue rotating the vertical mast winch in the

counterclockwise direction until the mast is seated in

the mast cradle.

4. Once the mast is fully seated in the mast cradle, insert

the cradle lock/release pin and secure with cotter pin

to keep in place.