Lowell MIX1 User Manual
Mix1 installation sheet and operators manual, Technical specifications

Optional Accessories (sold separately):
Lowell Manufacturing offers a full line of 19" equipment cabinets, wall mount shelves, rack mount AC power panels,
AC power strips, and cooling fans that can be used to install the Lowell Amplifier products.
See www.lowellmfg.com for product details.
Instruction Sheet
Lowell Manufacturing Company
100 Integram Drive
Pacific, Missouri 63069 U.S.A.
Call: 800-325-9660
Fax: 636-257-6606
Click: www.lowellmfg.com
MIX1 General Description:
The MIX1 is a mixer/preamplifier that includes 6 channels that each include a microphone input at screw terminals
and an aux input at an RCA jack. A seventh aux-only channel has a front panel switch to select one of two rear
panel aux input jacks. A mute-select switch allows either for channel 1 (Mic input or Aux input) to mute all other
channels, or for channels 1 through 6 to all mute the channel 7 aux-only input. The post-master-volume-control
outputs include a balanced line level output at screw terminals, a balanced mic level output at screw terminals, and
an unbalanced main output at an RCA jack. A pre-master-volume-control tape output is provided at an RCA jack.
An RCA jack is also provided to link the mix bus of one MIX1 to another MIX1 so that all inputs appear at all outputs.
A low cut filter switch is included which can reduce the bass response for use in reverberant spaces (like
gymnasiums) and act as a horn protection filter (trumpet protect) when paging horns are being used.
Technical Specifications
Dimensions (inc. rubber feet):
19" wide x 1.80" high x 9.875"deep (483mm wide x 45.7mm high x 250.8mm deep)
Total Harmonic Distortion: < .05%
Weight: 7.0LBS. (3.18KGS) Shipping Weight: 12.35LBS. (5.60KGS) (Weights include rack ears) Color: Black
AC Supply Voltage: 120VAC, 50/60Hz, Power Consumption: 5W
Main Output - unbalanced RCA jack 775mV, 280
Tape Output - unbalanced RCA jack 75mV, 280
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Mic 60dB, Aux 65dB (from 0dB output level)
Input Channels 1-6: Microphone inputs - balanced screw terminals: 1mV(to reach 0dB 775mV output), 600
Aux inputs - unbalanced RCA connectors: 140mV(to reach 0dB 775mV output), 24k
Note: Mic and Aux input on same channel are internally mixed. Use one or the other
– not both.
The Mic inputs do not provide phantom power for condenser microphones . External phantom
power supplies (sold by others) may be used to provide phantom power for the MIX1 mic inputs.
Input Channel 7: Aux inputs
– Switchable on front panel - RCA jack “A” or RCA jack “B”.
100mV(to reach 0dB 775mV output), 28k
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz +1dB
Mix Bus Link: RCA jack. 5mV, 1k
W Use only to link the mix buses of up to a maximum of four (4) MIX1 mixers.
Line Output - Balanced screw terminals 775mV, 600
Mic Output - Balanced screw terminals 7mV, 50