Lowell SMGA-5 User Manual
Rackmount sound-masking generator / amplifier

Sound-masking generator / amplifier model SMGA-5 provides a
pink noise signal and amplifier (5W into 70V, 25V, or 8 ohm) for
use in stand-alone applications (masking or masking / paging /
music) or for interfacing with existing paging/music systems. (See
page 2 for typical wiring diagrams.) The generator produces a pink
noise (equal energy / octave) signal that is fed to the speakers to
produce the characteristic "windy" sound that masks ambient
noise to create conversational privacy. Controls include output
level and an adjustable low pass filter that shapes frequencies at
9dB per octave with roll off at 300Hz. The 5W amplifier includes
an auxiliary Hi-Z input for a paging, music, or signaling source.
Controls include level adjustment for the auxiliary input signal,
master level plus individual controls for shaping bass, midrange,
and treble frequencies.
Rackmount chassis is 19"W x 1.75"H (1RU) x 4"D with barrier
strip plug-in terminations. Chassis is formed from 20-gauge steel
with a 16-gauge steel front panel finished in durable black powder
Lowell's sound masking generator/amplifier provides an all-
in-one source approach for small masking applications.
1RU rackmount chassis features removable plug-in termina-
tions for pre-wire convenience.
Bass, mid, and treble controls allow for subjective shaping
on site.
Compatible with Lowell's full selection of masking speakers
for suspended or T-bar installation.
A & E Specifications
The sound masking generator/amplifier shall be Lowell Model
SMGA-5. Generator controls shall include output level and low
pass filter. The amplifier output shall be 5-watts into 70V, 25V, or
8-ohms. Auxiliary amplifier input for paging, music or signaling
shall be a plugable barrier strip. Amplifier controls shall include
input level; a master level control; plus bass, mid, and treble con-
trols. Power requirements shall be 120VAC, 60Hz, 14-watts. The
chassis shall be formed from 20-gauge steel with a 16-gauge steel
front panel on E.I.A. spacing for rack mount installation. Chassis
shall measure 19"W x 1.75"H (1RU) x 9"D. The chassis assembly
shall be finished in black powder epoxy paint, include silkscreened
information, and a permanently connected power supply.
Model: SMGA-5
Rackmount Sound-masking Generator / Amplifier
©2012 Lowell Manufacturing Company, 100 Integram Dr., Pacific MO 63069. Phone–800.325.9660
Fax—636.257.6606. Lowell makes every effort to provide accurate information while reserving the right to
change specifications and/or improve manufacturing methods without notification. (lowellmfg.com)
Spec. No. 4c-203
(rev. 02.15.12)
pg. 1 of 2
Model No.
Description Chassis H Chassis W Chassis D
Rackmount sound-masking generator / amplifier 1.75” (1RU) 19” 9”
Generator Output Signals: Pink noise (equal energy/octave)
Generator Controls: Output level, Low pass filter (flat to
aprox. 9dB/octave roll-off at 300Hz)
Amplifier Output Power: 5 watts into 70V, 25V or 8-ohms
Auxiliary Input: Hi-Z (500mv) line for paging, music, or
Internal Input: Noise (connected internally)
Output Connections: Plugable barrier strip
Amplifier Controls: Master level plus bass, midrange, and
treble controls (+12dB); and auxiliary
input level.
Power Requirements: 120VAC, 60Hz, 14watts
Size: 19"W x 1.75"H (1RU) x 9"D