Longevity SpoolGun 140 User Manual

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SpoolGun 140 compatible with the MigWeld 140

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ARC RAYS can burn.
Use a shield with the proper filter and cover plates to protect your eyes from sparks and the rays of
the arc when welding or observing open arc welding. Head shield and filter lens should conform to ANSI Z87

Use suitable clothing made from durable flame-resistant material to protect your skin and that of your helpers
from the arc rays. Protect other nearby personnel with suitable non-flammable screening and/or warn them not
to watch the arc nor expose themselves to the arc rays or to hot spatter or metal.

Heat metal can burn
Electric arc welding operations cause sparks and heat metal to
temperatures that can cause severe burns[ Use protective gloves and
clothing when performing any metal working operation.
Make sure that all persons in the welding area are protected from heat,
sparks, and ultraviolet rays. Use additional face shields and flame resistant
barriers as needed.

Never touch work pieces until completely cold.

Electric and magnetic fields may be dangerous. The electromagnetic field
that is generated during arc welding may interfere with the operation of
various electrical and electronic devices such as cardiac pacemakers.
Persons using such devices should consult with their physician prior to
performing any electric arc welding operations.

Route the wire gun and work cables together and secure with tape when
possible. Never wrap arc welder cables around the body.
Always position the wire gun and work leads so that they are on the same side of the body.
Exposure to electromagnetic fields during welding may have other health effects which are not known.

CYLINDER may explode if damaged.
Use only compressed gas cylinders containing the correct shielding gas
for the process used and properly operating regulators designed for the gas
and pressure used. All hoses, fittings, etc. should be suitable for the
application and maintained in good condition.
Always keep cylinders in an upright position securely chained to
an undercarriage or fixed support.
Cylinders should be located: Away from areas where they may be
struck or subjected to physical damage.
A safe distance from arc welding or cutting operations and any other source of heat, sparks, or flame.
Never allow the electrode, electrode holder or any other electrically "hot" parts to touch a cylinder.
Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outlet when opening the cylinder valve. Valve
protection caps should always be in place and hand tight except when the cylinder is in use or connected for

Carefully read the operation manual prior to using, installing and maintaining the electric
welding machine for the purpose of preventing damages such as fire, electric shock and etc. from
occurring. Please keep the manual for the reference in the future