Handheld enforcer halogen instructions, Instruction data

1. DO NOT leave light connected to a power source when not in use.
2. DO NOT place light face down on ANY surface. If the light is switched on the intense heat generated
may ignite the surface and cause a meltdown of the lamp body.
3. Ensure all electrical connectors are secure - loose connections will generate excessive heat, damage
wiring and cause electrical failure.
4. The outer lens should be washed clean with copious amounts of water and a clean sponge. Wiping
it with a dry rag will scratch the lens, especially if the surface is dusty. NEVER clean the light with
cleaning fluid or solvent.
5. DO NOT attempt to clean the inside of the light or touch the inside lens and reflector.
6. LIGHTFORCE lights are not designed to be used for long periods of time in a stationary position
with minimal airflow, failure to comply will void warranty. Contact LIGHTFORCE direct to discuss
alternative options such as reducing globe wattage.
7. GLOBE REPLACEMENT: The Xenophot® globe gives approximately 10% greater efficiency than
any other halogen globe of similar wattage. A number of optional globe strengths are available upon
request. For removal, simply:
a) Rotate the reflector housing anti-clockwise to disengage it.
b) Remove old globe by gripping firmly and pulling out in the long axis direction of the globe.
i) DO NOT TOUCH NEW GLOBE WITH FINGERS, use a tissue or plastic sleeve. Prior to inserting a new
globe, scrape the globe legs with an abrasive surface (sandpaper or knife edge) to ensure positive
contact with the globe holder contacts.
ii) Position the globe legs firmly into the fixed contacts of the globe holder, applying a firm pressure
towards the rear. AVOID jerking or twisting movements. NOTE: Globe can only be moved to the left
and right NOT up and down.
iii) Mere placement of the globe into the globe holder is often not sufficient to give a properly fine-
tuned beam. The operator can overcome this by aligning the split line along the top of the rotation
locking NIB and the split line on the end of the handle with the centre of the globe filament. (see
iv) All other globes should be seated against the globe holder with little or no air gap.
v) Maximum globe wattage recommendation:
EF140** : 12V 75W
EF170** : 12V 100W
EF240** : 12V 100W
Handheld Enforcer Halogen Instructions
LIGHTFORCE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD • 28 Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh SA 5007 Australia • | email: [email protected]
Australia: Tel: 08 8440 0888 | Fax: 08 8346 0504 • Int’l: Tel: +618 8440 0888 | Fax: +618 8346 0504
All logos and images are subject to relevant trademark and copyright protection LIGHTFORCE Pty Ltd | © Jan 2012 • Data and specifications contained maybe subject to change without notice.
LIGHTFORCE Australia Pty Ltd shall not be liable for damage, malfunction, failure resulting from accident, misuse, misapplication, unauthorised repair, neglect, modification, unauthorised or non standard replacement parts,
accessories, bulbs, batteries or voltage or operation of the product beyond its technical and or environmental specification.
VER: 1.0
DATE: MAY 2014