Intelix AVDA-8-F User Manual
Introduction, Installation

AVDA-8 Audio/Video Distribution Amp Balun
Installation Guide
Supports NTSC and PAL
CCTV Security & Surveillance
Distributed up to 2200 ft.
Classroom A/V Instruction
Up to 2 audio & 2 video channels
Corporate A/V Presentations
Integrates w/ Intelix A/V Baluns
Tradeshow Demonstrations
Looping output to cascade to other
AVDA-8s or A/V equipment
Rubber stand-offs for desktop use
The Intelix AVDA-8 Audio/Video Distribution Amp Balun allows up to two (2) baseband video
signals and up to two (2) audio signals to be distributed to up to eight (8) destinations via twisted
pair (UTP) cable for cost-effective and versatile cabling.
When used in conjunction with Intelix’s line of audio/video Baluns, the AVDA-8 allows coaxial
cable to be eliminated between the audio/video source and the destinations. The AVAD-8 is
compatible with Intelix V1, V1-ST, V1A2, V2A2, and SVA2 Baluns.
The AVDA-8 allows the distribution of CCTV and audio/video signals to multiple locations via
standard twisted pair cabling instead of costly coaxial video or audio cable.
Follow the steps listed below to install the AVDA-8:
1. The Intelix AVDA-8 is polarity sensitive and works in conjunction with Intelix's A/V
Baluns. If the AVDA-8 is used with Baluns which have a signal polarity opposite that of the
AVDA-8, then the signal polarity of the cabling between the distributor and the video Baluns
may need to be reversed. Verify that the pin configuration of the video Baluns match the pin
configuration of the distributor. The pin configuration of the distributor is conveniently
located on the rear panel.