Heidolph ROTAMAX 120 User Manual
Page 20

The item is maintenance-free. Repair work is limited to technicians so approved or appointed
by Heidolph Instruments. Please call your local Heidolph Instruments Dealer or a Heidolph
Instruments Field Representative (also refer to page 26)
1. Turn item OFF and disconnect main plug.
2. Remove all of the hardware arranged around the shaker to ease disassembly.
3. Unload all vessels from shaker, uninstall optional equipment.
Forward & Store
1. We recommend to store the item and its components in its original box, or a similar
container that offers adequate protection against damage in transit. Tape the box
2. Store the item in a dry place.
Do not jolt or shake the item during transport.
For disposal, please comply with your local or national regulations.
Split by metal, plastic, etc.
Packing material to be treated as described above (material split).
Work on electric, electronic and cryogenic components is limited to qualified personnel.
Master switch on shaker / mixer won't light
1. Check power cord
2. Check circuit breakers
Item won't shake (master switch lighted))
1. Timer run-down
2. Thermal motor circuit breaker triggered by motor overload
Wait about 20 minutes, decrease load applied on shaker plate.
3. Mechanical parts broken (humming motor noise) or electronic failure (no motor noise).