GreenGuard Synthetic Roofing Underlayment User Manual
Greenguard, Synthetic roofing underlayment installation guide

General Information
Installation of GreenGuard® Synthetic Roofing Underlayment shall be in accordance with applicable building codes and this
Installation Guide. The Installation Guide shall be available at the jobsite during installation.
GreenGuard® Synthetic Roofing Underlayment is intended for use on new construction, sloped residential roofs (2:12
pitch or greater) or for retrofit applications, where the existing roof covering has been removed and the underlayment
can be installed directly over the existing roof deck. The GreenGuard® Synthetic Roofing Underlayment can be used as
underlayment installed under asphalt roof shingles, concrete or clay roof tiles, metal roof panels or wood roof shakes.
Damaged roof sheathing shall be replaced prior to installation of the GreenGuard® Synthetic Roofing Underlayment.
Safety Precautions
• Review this Installation Guide prior to beginning installation. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for additional
information. Go to for the most current product information.
• CAUTION: Roof underlayments may be slippery when wet or covered with mud, dust, frost, ice, snow, etc. OSHA and other
applicable requlations for roof work shall be followed. Always use an approved fall protection system when working on roofs.
• CAUTION: Like most building materials, roof underlayments are combustible and may ignite if exposed to fire of sufficient
heat and intensity. Protect roof underlayments from exposure to open flame or other ignition sources during shipping,
storage and installation.
• Installation shall comply with OSHA and other applicable regulations for roof work.
• Always use an approved fall protection system when working on roofs.
• Use roof jacks with planks, toe boards or storage platforms secured to the substrate to prevent slippage of stored materials.
• Stay away from power lines and avoid body and equipment contact.
• On steep pitch surfaces, roof jacks with planks should be used for standing.
• Follow all ladder safety standards and regulations.
• Never leave scraps, wrappers or other debris on the roof surface.
• Dispose of waste materials in accordance with applicable local regulations.
1. Preparation
The roof deck shall be dry, free from dust, dirt, loose debris and obstructions.
At the time of installation, the ambient air temperature shall be above 40° F.
2. Installation – Roofing Underlayment
Begin by unrolling several feet of the underlayment parallel with the eaves along the lower edge of the roof, with the
print side up.
The first course shall overlap the drip edge eave flashing and shall go under the drip edge at the rake.
If the underlayment becomes misaligned, the roll shall be cut and restarted, overlapping the ends a minimum of 6 inches.
Synthetic Roofing Underlayment Installation Guide