Wall works guide, Now you’re ready to prime and paint, Priming & painting – Georgia-Pacific DensArmor Plus Interior Panels User Manual
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Option 2 — Fiberglass Tape
To further reduce the potential for mold growth and
maintain a completely non paper-faced wall surface,
fiberglass joint tape should be used to finish the joints of
DensArmor Plus
panels. A setting-type compound is
required for at least the first coat over fiberglass mesh
tape. Additional coats prescribed by the desired level of
finish should be a drying-type (powder or ready-mixed)
joint compound. Inside corners may be finished with vinyl
corner beads to maintain a non paper-faced wall.
For either tape option, continue with installation.
Fastener Heads
Draw your 59 (127 mm) joint finishing knife across the
fastener head to make sure it is below the surface of the
board. Apply your first coat of all-purpose joint compound
so that it just fills the nail dimple. Don’t use excess pressure
when applying, or your knife may scoop compound from
the dimple. Let the first coat dry. At least one more coat
will be required. A third coat of joint compound may be
needed. Sand lightly after each coat dries.
Butt Joints
Butt joints (square cut edge joints)
are finished the same way as
regular joints, with one exception.
Because butt joints are not
tapered, you need to be careful
not to allow the joint compound
and tape to build up any more
than necessary. To reduce the
effect of the build-up, feather the
edges of your finish coats wider
than you would for a regular joint.
Outside Corners
Be sure the metal cornerbead is attached firmly (see
‘‘Cornerbead’’ in previous section). Use your 89 (203 mm)
knife to spread all-purpose joint compound about 39-49
(76-102 mm) past metal corner. Be sure to cover the
metal edges. Let dry 24 hours. Apply second coat with
your 109 (254 mm) knife. Feather edges 29-39 (51-76 mm)
beyond first coat. Sand lightly when dry. A third coat may
be needed.
Inside Corners
Cut a strip of drywall tape the length of the corner you’re
going to finish. Crease the tape down the center. Use
your 59 (127 mm) knife to spread joint compound about
9 (38 mm) on both sides of the corner. With the knife
press the tape into the corner. Use enough pressure to
squeeze some compound from the edge of the tape, but
leave enough compound to form a good bond. Feather
the compound 29 (51 mm) from the edge of the tape. Let
dry 24 hours, finishing only one side at a time. Let dry,
finish other side of corner. Let dry, then sand corner.
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Be careful not to let the compound build up in the very
corner of the tape.
Excess compound in the corner
could cause hairline cracks.
Now you’re ready to prime
and paint!
PLEASE NOTE that Georgia-Pacific Gypsum makes no
warranty regarding the primers and surfacers identified in
the following section or the finishing results obtained by
such products. As indicated, a mock-up or test wall should
be used to ensure the proposed decorative finish will
produce an acceptable result. For further information regarding
finishing of DensArmor Plus interior panels, please see
Georgia-Pacific Gypsum’s Technical Guide for such panels
available at www.gpgypsum.com.
Priming & Painting
A mock-up or test wall should be used to ensure the
proposed decorative finish will produce an acceptable
result. Proper installation, finishing and priming are
critical. Skipping a step, such as the application of a
primer or taking shortcuts, such as not using proper
sanding techniques, will negatively impact the quality
of the final decorative finish.
Because many factors that are unrelated to the manufacture
of the panels can affect the acceptability of the final finish
result, Georgia-Pacific Gypsum makes no warranty, express
or implied, regarding the finish results to be achieved with
DensArmor Plus panels.
The following guidelines for priming DensArmor Plus
Interior Panels have been developed by the Rohm & Hass
Paint Quality Institute:
1. A high solids primer with at least 40% volume solids
should be used. The primer can best be applied by roller
at a higher film thickness in one coat vs. brush or spray
2. For adequate coverage, the primer should be applied to
a dry film thickness of 1.7 to 1.8 mils dry to ensure uni-
form coverage and appearance. The number of coats to
achieve the dry film thickness will depend on the primer
used. For instance, a primer with lower than 37% volume
solids may need two coats for adequate coverage.
% Volume Solids of Primer
Spread Rate, sq. ft./gal.
3. For best results, apply the high solids primer with a
( (9.5 mm) nap roller at a natural application rate.