Georgia-Pacific Decorative Wall Panel User Manual

Decorative wall panel installation instructions

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Decorative Wall Panel Installation Instructions

1. Conditioning Panels

Condition panels by placing them in the room to be paneled 48 hours

prior to installation. Stack the panels on the floor or lean them against

a wall, with spacers between each sheet. This allows the room air to

circulate around each panel for proper acclimation. Only Lionite


Tileboard has a finish that is moisture, stain, and scuff resistant.

All other pre-finished interior wall paneling have finishes that

are not considered moisture resistant and should not be

installed in areas subject to moisture or high humidity. All

Georgia-Pacific decorative wall paneling should be stored flat

and off the ground in a dry area prior to installation.

2. Wall Preparation

Hardboard and MDF Installing panels over existing true walls requires

no preliminary preparation. Sanding high spots on the wall is generally

about all you have to do. In most homes, studs are spaced 16” on

center, but 24” centers and other spacing may exist especially in

exterior walls. Stud spacing must be determined, since panels must

be nailed through the backing into studs or furring 16” on center for

maximum holding.
Measure stud centers and snap vertical chalklines along the wall for

each stud. If studs are over 16” on center, install horizontal furring 16”

on center following recommendations in section 10. If you’re paneling

over a new wall, check your local building codes to see if you’re allowed

to install panels 1/4” and thicker directly to studs without a backing.

Panels thinner than 1/4” will require installation of a non-combustible

backer over the studs, such as gypsum wallboard. Exterior walls must

be insulated and have a 4 mil or greater vapor retarder installed on

the side of the wall required in local building codes.
Tileboard Tileboard must be applied to a continuous solid non-

combustible backing. Do not apply panels directly to studs or furring

strips. On masonry walls (concrete, brick or cinder block) a framework

of furring strips or studs overlaid with water-resistant gypsum

wallboard is suitable for tileboard application. Exterior walls must

have insulation and a minimum 4 mil vapor retarder installed

beneath the solid backing.
Arrange Panels If you have chosen simulated woodgrain panels,

take a few minutes to stand the panels side-by-side around the room.

Arrange them to achieve the most pleasing balance of color and

grain pattern, then number the back of each panel in sequence.

3. Cutting Panels

MDF and Hardboard If measured floor-to-ceiling height is 8’ or

less, subtract 1/2” from this measurement to allow 1/4” expansion

clearance top and bottom.

Transfer these measurements to panels for cutting. If using a handsaw

or table saw, mark and cut the panels face up. If using a portable

circular saw or sabre saw, mark and cut panels face down. Cut-outs

for door and window sections, electrical switches and outlets or heat

registers require careful measurements. Many a good paneling job

has been ruined by inaccurate cutting for outlet boxes or heat

registers. One method is to mark the outlet box with chalk. Then,

place the properly cut panel on the wall and tap at the outlet

location. This will transfer an image to the back of the panel and

indicate the area for cutting. A 1/4” gap around this area will provide

room for spacing and adjustment—the faceplate will cover up the

extra space. On an existing wall, adjust the outlet box to meet panel

thickness. Unscrew at the top and bottom, wedge a small paneling

scrap at screw locations, and tighten.
Tileboard See Spacing, Fitting and Tub and Shower Installation sections.

4. Spacing Between Panels

Hardboard and MDF A 1/16” gap between adjacent panels is

recommended to allow for expansion. Never butt panels tightly. A

3/16” space should be provided around windows and doors.
Tileboard Installation

With a Divider Strip

For tileboard installation

with divider strips, leave

a 3/16” gap between

panels, including 1/16”

between panel edge

and the inside of

the moulding.
Tileboard Installation Without a Divider Strip For tileboard

installation without divider strips, seal 1/8” space between panels

with a high-quality silicone caulk. For a pleasing appearance, and a

secure seal, carefully caulk around the tub.

Note: Panel adhesive must

be dry before caulking. Wet adhesive may discolor caulk.

5. Fitting Panels

Hardboard and MDF Put the first panel in place and bring to

adjacent wall in the corner allowing 1/16” space. Make sure it is

plumb and both left and right panel edges fall on solid stud backing.

The panel may have to be trimmed to allow the outer edge to fall on

the center of a stud for nailing. Also, on rough walls, or adjoining a

fireplace wall, use a pencil compass to mark the panel on the inner

edge, then cut on the scribe line to fit around the obstruction. Before

nailing the panels, paint a stripe of color to match the panels groove

color on the wall location where the panels will meet.

These instructions describe the proper methods for installing Georgia-Pacific decorative wall panels.

These panels are intended for dry interior use only and require care in handling.

Always remember to follow these important steps when installing decorative wall panels:


Condition the panels.


Prepare the walls.


Space the panels.


Use proper nailing and/or gluing patterns.

Please read the Decorative Wall Panel Installation Instructions in their entirety before proceeding!