Georgia-Pacific FiberStrong Rim Board User Manual
Installation guide, What you don’t see matters, I-joist storage and handling safety

I-Joist Storage and Handling
1. Walking on the joists should not be permitted until they are properly braced.
2. Lateral restraint, such as an existing deck or braced end wall,
must be established at the ends of the bay. Alternatively,
temporary or permanent sheathing may be nailed to the first
4 feet of the joists at the end of the bay.
3. All hangers, rim boards, rim joists and blocking at the supports
of the joists must be installed and nailed properly.
4. During installation, a minimum 1x4 temporary brace at least
8 feet long is required. Temporary bracing members should be
spaced at no further than 10*-0( o.c. and nailed to each joist
with two 8d nails (10d box nails if bracing thickness exceeds 1().
Lap bracing ends and anchor them to temporary or permanent
sheathing. Remove the temporary bracing as the permanent
sheathing is attached.
5. The ends of cantilevers must be temporarily braced on both
the top and bottom flanges.
6. Never overload sheathed joists with loads that exceed
design loads.
7. Do not ship or install any damaged I-joists.
8. When stacking construction material, stack only over
beams or walls, NOT on unsheathed joists.
Align stickers
one above
the other
Hard, dry,
level surface
1. CAUTION: Wrap and joists are slippery when icy or wet.
2. Store bundles upright on a smooth, level, well-drained and supportive
surface to protect from the weather (sun and precipitation). Keep covered
and strapped until installed.
3. Keep bundles above ground to minimize the absorption of ground moisture
and allow air circulation.
4. Re-cover unused products with bundle wrap. Repair damage to bundle
wrap with tape, more bundle wrap, plastic or weatherproof covering.
5. Place 2x or LVL spacers (at a maximum of 10* apart) under bundles
stacked on the ground, and between bundles stored on top of one another.
6. All handling of joists with a forklift or crane should be done carefully by
lifting from below the bottom of the bundle.
7. Joists should remain upright (web vertical) during handling.
8. Avoid excessive bowing during all phases of handling and installation
(i.e., measuring, sawing, or placement).
9. Damage may result if the I-joist is twisted or a load is applied to it
while it’s lying flat.
10. An MSDS is available at
11. When handling I-joists with a crane on the job site (“picking”), take a few
simple precautions to prevent damage to the I-joists and injury to your
work crew. Pick I-joists in bundles as shipped by the supplier. Orient the
bundles so that the webs of the I-joists are vertical. Pick the bundles at the
5th points, using a spreader bar if necessary.
installation Guide
GP Lam
wood I beam
rIm board
wHat you don’t
See matterS
united states Installation Instructions
for residential floor Systems