Best practices – Flex RhinoBond Project User Manual
Page 3
How to Run a Flex RhinoBond Job • Page 3
circumstances, especially if the radio is plugged into
the same circuit as the tool.
TOOl alignmenT
For optimum weld quality, the Flex RhinoBond plate
must be centered under the red dot on the foot of the
tool within 1 inch. This is not hard to do if the operator
pays attention. Best practice is for each new operator
to have a grease pencil, and to outline the base of the
tool on every 10th plate or so, to check the alignment.
After checking the alignment several times, the opera-
tor will get the hang of it.
The tool must be centered properly over the plate
Train operators to develop the hand-eye coordination
to align the tool consistently.
magneT issues
Magnet alignment is important. Operators should
make sure the magnet completely covers the plate.
Misalignment will result in less than perfect welds.
Keep the membrane clean. Any debris on the top of
the membrane can be pushed into the surface by the
magnet during the bonding process. Use a leaf blower
to eliminate all debris from the membrane surface
prior to welding.
Keep the magnets clean. If a metal shard or other
debris from the roof sticks to the magnet, it can make
a mark in the membrane on every weld. Therefore,
it’s a good idea to periodically wipe the bottom of
the magnet. As long as the operator and foreman are
paying attention, this should not be an issue.
always caliBraTe The TOOls
Calibrate each tool at least once in the morning, and
once after lunch, or whenever the temperature changes
more than +/– 15°F. Use a grease pencil to check align-
ment when calibrating. Use the up and down arrows on
the Flex RhinoBond tool to change the power level, and
set the tool to the level that provides a 100% bond. Be
sure to allow test assemblies to cool completely before
evaluating bond strength.
Evaluate bond strength through calibration
Accurately test weld. When making test welds, be
sure to test the plates in the same assembly used in
the actual installation. As an example, don’t test the
plate on a concrete deck if they are being installed
on polyiso.