Flex TPO Для дома User Manual
Page 3

Clean, asphalt-free extension cord sufficient to handle power requirements
One (1) pair of scissors per man
Tape measures, varying up to 100 feet in length
Chalk boxes, chalk
Four inch (4”) wide paint brushes
Clean cotton rags
Caulking guns
Push brooms
Non-permanent ink or crayon writing element for marking seams
Several Flex Seam Probes for probing of seams
Clean, asphalt free waterproof canvas or tarp for covering of materials
Several one & one-half inch (1 1/2”) wide silicon hand rollers
Several standard screw guns w/ disengaging clutch (1800-2500 RPM’s)
One-half inch (1/2”) nap paint rollers w/ solvent resistant cores and handles
Hammers, screwdrivers, sockets, allen wrenches and drill bits
Utility knife, hook blades, straight blades
Approved fasteners and plates
Approved cleaners or solvents
Approved caulking or sealant
Wire brushes for cleaning welder tips
Assortment of tips or nozzles for hand held hot air welder
Hammer drill or Tapcon Anchor drive
Hot Air Welding Equipment
1) BAK or Leister Varimat automatic hot air welding machine,
requires 230 volt, 4600 watt power.
2) BAK or Leister Triac hand held hot air welder, requires 120 volt,
1600-watt power
3) Portable Electric Generator: minimum output of 9500 watts to
adequately provide power to operate one automatic hot air welder
and one hand held hot air welder.