Flex FB LOW Rise Adhesive User Manual
Product data sheet, Flex fb low rise adhesive

Flex Membrane International Corp. 2670 Leiscz’s Bridge Road, Suite 400, Leesport, PA 19533
Tel: (610) 916-9500 Fax: (610) 916-9501 www.FlexRoofingSystems.com
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Product Data Sheet
Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive is a two component, low rise polyurethane adhesive designed to attach Flex
Fleeceback Roofing Membranes to a variety of approved substrates in accordance with current Flex Roof
Details and Specifications.
Install only as much roof membrane adhered with Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive as can be covered and
made watertight during that working day. The substrate must be clean, smooth, dry and free of sharp
edges, loose and foreign materials, oil, grease, and other contaminants. Proper equipment must be used to
install Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive. Apply the adhesive on the substrate in beads spaced at a maximum
of 12” (300 mm) on center with a ¾” – 1” (19.00 mm-25.4 mm) wide bead. It is important to allow the
adhesive to rise in height. Before a skim coat develops on the adhesive mate the Flex fleeceback roofing
membrane to the substrate. Immediately after setting the membrane in the Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive, it
is required to apply continuous pressure to the bonded membrane using a roller (maximum weight 150
lbs. – 68 kg). It is important that freshly installed membrane remain in contact with the substrate and Flex
FB Low Rise Adhesive until the adhesive sets to ensure proper adhesion.
Rate is average coverage based on approved, smooth, non-porous surface with a ¾” to 1” (19-25 mm)
wide bead.
Bead Spacing
Coverage Rate: ft²/gal (m²/L)
12” o.c.
170-200 (4.1-4.8)
6” o.c
90-120 (2.2-2.9)
4” o.c.
60-90 (1.4-2.2)
These are typical coverage rates that are applicable when the Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive is properly
mixed with a 1:1 ratio and applied in the appropriate bead spacing in a serpentine pattern at a bead width
of ¾” to 1” (19 mm to 25.4 mm). Coverage rates may vary on substrate type and condition as well as
increasing the bead spacing.
When applying the Flex FB Low Rise Adhesive, the Flex FB membrane must be placed in the adhesive
while it is still wet and tacky (before it reaches tack free state). The membrane may be placed into the
adhesive shortly after it has reached its maximum rise typically after 2-3 minutes.