Flex TPO Molded Pipe Seal User Manual
Product data sheet, Flex tpo molded pipe seal

Flex Membrane International Corp. 2670 Leiscz’s Bridge Road, Suite 400, Leesport, PA 19533
Tel: (610) 916-9500 Fax: (610) 916-9501 www.FlexRoofingSystems.com
Product Data Sheet
The Flex TPO Molded Pipe Seal is an injection molded, pre-formed flashing for pipes 1” to 6” in
diameter. Pipe Seals are packaged in boxes of eight and come with universal clamping rings.
Size: 1” to 6” O.D. Pipe
Packaging: 8 per box
Weight (each): 0.55 lbs.
Material: TPO compound
Color: White, Gray and Tan
1. Cut pipe seal adjacent to raised “ring” one size smaller than pipe diameter. (Do not cut off raised
2. Pull pipe seal over pipe until base flange is in contact with the membrane. (Application of heat to
the tip portion of the pipe seal may be necessary to allow installation over the pipe).
3. Mark pipe around the top of the pipe seal.
4. Pull pipe seal upwards on pipe until mark on the pipe is visible.
5. Install Water Cut-off Mastic below mark which indicates the top of the installed pipe seal.
6. Pull pipe seal back down over pipe and into position.
7. Heat weld the pipe seal base flange to deck membrane.
8. Install a stainless steel universal clamping ring to provide compression of the sealant.
1. Remove all lead and other flashing.
2. Temperature of pipe must not exceed 180°F (82°C).
3. Install a minimum of four fastening plates around pipe penetrations. Position fastening plates
around penetrations so they are covered by the pre-molded pipe seal flange. A minimum 1.5 inch
wide weld must be maintained around the outer edge of the flange beyond the plates. If fastening
plates cannot be installed in a manner to allow a minimum 1.5 inch weld, the plates must be
placed outside the pipe seal flange and cover with a reinforced Flex TPO Plus overlay.
4. Install a section of the Flex TPO Plus Reinforced Membrane prior to installing a pre-molded pipe
flashing over splice intersection.
5. Store pre-molded pipe seals in a cool, shaded area and cover with light-colored, breathable,
waterproof tarpaulins. Flex pipe seals or membrane that has been exposed to the weather for
approximately 7 days or longer prior to use must be prepared with Weathered Membrane Cleaner
prior to hot air welding.