Best Data Products DSL502E_EU User Manual

Page 43

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Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide



When you have completed entering all information, click


A page displays to confirm the change.

7. Click

to return to the NAT Configuration page.

The new rule should display in the NAT Rule Configuration table.


Ensure that the Enable radio button is selected, and then click


A page displays to confirm your changes.


Click the Admin tab, and then click

Commit and Reboot

in the task bar.

10. Click

to save your changes to permanent memory.

The rdr rule: Allowing external access to a LAN computer

You can create an rdr rule to make a computer on your LAN, such as a Web or FTP server,
available to Internet users without requiring you to obtain a public IP address for that computer.
The computer’s private IP address is translated to your public IP address in all incoming and
outgoing data packets.


Without an rdr rule (or bimap rule described on page 39), the Best
Data DSL542 blocks attempts by external computers to access
your LAN computers.

Figure shows the fields used to establish a rdr rule:

Figure 26. NAT Rule – Add Page (rdr Flavor)

Follow these instructions to add an rdr rule (see steps 1-4 under "The napt rule" on page 33 for
specific instructions corresponding to steps 1 and 2 below):


Display the NAT Rule – Add Page, select RDR as the Rule Flavor, and enter a Rule


Select the interface on which this rule will be effective.