Best Data Products DSL502E_EU User Manual

Page 28

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Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide


Follow these steps to change the default LAN IP address or to configure the LAN port as a
DHCP client.

1. Log


Configuration Manager, and then click the LAN tab.

The LAN Configuration page displays, as shown in Figure .

Figure 13. LAN Configuration Page

The LAN Configuration table displays the following settings:



System Mode

The preconfigured mode for your device, such as
Routing or Bridging mode. This setting is not user -


The IP address your computers use to identify the
device’s LAN port.
Note that the public IP address assigned to you by your
ISP is not your LAN IP address. The public IP address
identifies the WAN (ADSL) port on your ADSL/Ethernet
router to the Internet.

LAN Network

The LAN Network mask identifies which parts of the
LAN IP Address refer to your network as a whole and
which parts refer specifically to nodes on the network.
Your device is preconfigured with a default network
mask of


When checked, this setting instructs the device to
accept LAN IP information assigned dynamically from
another DHCP server already configured on your
network. The Best Data DSL542 cannot act as a DHCP
server for its own LAN port.


Enter a LAN IP address and network mask, or click the DHCP Enable radio

f Entering a fixed address: If you are using routing services on you LAN

such as DHCP and NAT, you will want to assign a fixed LAN IP address and
mask. This ensures that your LAN computers have a fixed address that they
use to communicate with the device.

The IP address you assign must be on the same subnet as your LAN
computers that connect to this port (that is, the network ID portion of their IP
addresses and their subnet masks must be the same).