Adding nat rules – Best Data Products DSL502E_EU User Manual

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You can click

in the Action(s) column to view additional details about a NAT translation

session, as shown in Figure .

Figure 24. NAT Translation – Details Page

In addition to the information displayed in the NAT Translations table, this table displays the
following for the selected current translation sessions:




The public IP address to which the private IP
address was translated.

In Address

The private IP address that was translated.

Out Address

The IP address of the outside destination (web,
ftp site, etc.)

In/Out Packets

The number of incoming and outgoing IP
packets that have been translated in this
translation session.

In Ports

The actual port number corresponding to the
LAN computer.

Out Ports

The port number associated with the destination

Translated In Ports

The port number to which the LAN computer’s
actual port number was translated.

Adding NAT Rules

This section explains how to create rules for the various NAT flavors.


You cannot edit existing NAT rules. To change a rule setup,
delete it and add a new rule with the modified settings.

The napt rule: Translating between private and public IP addresses

Follow these instructions to create a rule for translating the private IP addresses on your LAN to
your public IP address. This type of rule uses the NAT flavor napt, which was used in your
default configuration. The napt flavor translates private source IP addresses to a single public IP
address. The napt rule also translates the source port numbers to port numbers that are defined
on the NAT Global Configuration page (see page 29).