Best Data Products DSL502E_EU User Manual

Page 22

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Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide


Ethernet NIC). When you display the properties for the icon, the following text
should display in the Connect Using text box:

GlobeSpan USB IAD LAN Modem #n

The USB port on the Best Data DSL542 is preconfigured with these properties

(you cannot change these values):

USB port IP address:

USB port subnet mask:

Therefore, your PC must be configured as follows:

IP address:

192.168.2.n where n is a
number from 2 to 254.

Subnet mask:

Default gateway:

Default Router Settings

In addition to handling the DSL connection to your ISP, the Best Data DSL542
ADSL/Ethernet router can provide a variety of services to your network. The device
is preconfigured with default settings for use with a typical home or small office

Table 1 lists some of the most important default settings; these and other features
are described fully in the subsequent chapters. If you are familiar with network
configuration, review the settings in Table 1 to verify that they meet the needs of your
network. Follow the instructions to change them if necessary. If you are unfamiliar
with these settings, try using the device without modification, or contact your ISP for

Before you modifying any settings, review Chapter 4 for general information about
accessing and using the Configuration Manager program. We strongly recommend
that you contact your ISP prior to changing the default configuration.

Table 1. Default Settings Summary


Default Setting


DHCP (Dynamic
Host Configuration

DHCP server enabled with two pools
of addresses:

For LAN computers: through
For USB computer: (for both, subnet mask

The Best Data DSL542 maintains a pool
of 32 private IP addresses for dynamic
assignment to your LAN computers and a
pool containing 1 IP address for
assignment to your USB computer. To
use this service, you must have set up
your computers to accept IP information
dynamically. See Chapter 6 for an
explanation of the DHCP service.

NAT (Network
Address Translation)

napt rule enabled

Your computers’ private IP addresses
(see DHCP above) will be translated to
your public IP address whenever they
access the Internet. See Chapter 7 for a
description of the NAT service.

LAN Port
IP Address

Static IP address:

subnet mask:

This is the IP address of the LAN port on
the device. The LAN port connects the
device to your Ethernet network.
Typically, you will not need to change this
address. See Chapter 5 for instructions.

USB Port
IP Address

Assigned static IP address:

subnet mask:

This is the IP address assigned to the
USB port on the device (if used).
Typically, you will not need to change this
address. See Chapter 5 for instructions.