Euramco Safety VX700 User Manual
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PPV Application
Positive Pressure Ventilation is the process by which firefighters raise the static pressure inside a
building to force smoke, fumes, or chemically contaminated air out of a structure to allow fire
fighters to complete salvage and overhaul operations in a less hazardous atmosphere.
PPV fan applications require that a building have an entrance and an exit to support air flow
through a structure to purge the structure of smoke and fumes. The VX700 PPV Fan puts out a
cone of air to seal and pressurize the structure at the entrance. If the entrance is not sealed by
the cone of air then some air will leak out around the door and the air pressure will drop through
the structure, increasing the amount of time need to purge the structure of smoke and fumes.
To achieve the proper air seal with a PPV fan and to maintain maximum pressure through the
structure the VX700 PPV Fan should be set back away from the entrance based on the size of
the entrance as illustrated below.
Please note that the CFM performance numbers printed below are based on an exit door roughly
the size of a 9' X 12' warehouse door.
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