Operating instructions for rope pull switches rps, Identification of the safety pull rope switch – EUCHNER RPS User Manual
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Operating Instructions for Rope Pull
Switches RPS...
Improper installation or manipulation of the rope pull switch will lead to loss of the personal protection
function and can cause serious or fatal injuries.
Safety rope pull switches must not be bypassed (bridging of contacts), turned away, removed or otherwise
rendered ineffective.
The switching procedure may be triggered only by a pretensioned rope system when it is pulled or the rope
is severed.
If damage or wear is found, the complete switch must be replaced. Replacement of individual parts or
assemblies is not permitted!
Identification of the safety pull rope switch
Identification by designation
e.g. 300 N max. spring force to tension the rope
R with
C quick fastener and fast-action tensioning device
P without emergency stop pushbutton, reset by pull knob
S emergency stop pushbutton, reset by rotary actuating cylinder
3131 switching function depends on the type used (standard 3131); see section
Switching elements
- without
E pre-failure
- plastic
M metal
RPS safety rope pull switch (switch series)
Identification by item number
The item number of the switch is located beneath the switch designation on the switch label. Please state this
number in correspondence and orders to EUCHNER GmbH & Co. KG.