Safety – Danuser LM40 Hammer User Manual
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• Never use alcoholic beverages or drugs which can hinder alertness or coordination
while operating this equipment. Consult your doctor about operating this equipment
while taking prescription medications.
• Consult local utility companies to make certain there are no buried gas lines, electrical
cables, etc., in the work area before beginning operation.
• Do not drive posts near underground utility lines.
• Stay away from power lines when transporting, raising, or operating the Hammer.
• Before you operate the attachment, check over pins and connections to be sure all are
securely in place. Make sure the Hammer is securely latched to the vehicle.
• Keep hands, feet, hair, jewelry, and clothing away from all moving and/or rotating parts.
• Never place yourself between the vehicle and the attachment.
• Never allow anyone under the attachment at any time.
• Keep clear of the Hammer while in operation. Never position, align, or support the post
by hand or with any tool when the Hammer is in operation.
• Do not exceed the vehicle's rated operating load. Use sufficient counterweights. Move
the vehicle slowly when the attachment is raised.
• Carry the load low. A heavy load can cause instability of the vehicle. Use extreme care
during travel. Slow down on turns and watch out for bumps. Use all safety devices,
including a seat belt, as recommended in the vehicle operator’s manual.
• Do not operate the Hammer on steep hillsides. When operating the Hammer on uneven
or hilly terrain, position the vehicle with the attachment uphill. With the attachment
downhill, the vehicle could tip when attempting to raise the attachment. Consult your
vehicle operator’s manual for maximum incline allowable.
• Always shut off the vehicle engine and remove the key before dismounting the vehicle,
adjusting the attachment, or servicing the Hammer. Never leave equipment unattended
with the vehicle running.
• Never attempt repairs or adjustments while the equipment is in operation.
• Before disconnecting hydraulic lines or fittings be sure to relieve all pressure by cycling
all hydraulic controls after shutdown. Remember hydraulic systems are under pressure
whenever the engine is running and may hold pressure after shutdown.
• Always use care when operating the Hammer. Most accidents occur because of neglect
or carelessness.
Safety is a primary concern in the design, manufacture, sale, and use of Hammers. Danuser
confirms to you, our customer, our concern for safety.