Breathing, Firing, Sighting-in your gun – Daisy 105 Buck User Manual

Page 15: How to make an indoor-out- door target, Caution

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Breathing at the wrong moment can cause your body to

move, and your aim to go astray. So breathe properly. Here's

(a) Take a long breath.
(b) Let out half. Aim.
(c) Hold the rest until after you've fired.

But don't fire yet!


This consists of two steps: Aiming and Squeezing.

Get your sights in line and watch carefully. As the tip of the
sight arrives at the bottom of the bullseye, gradually
squeeze the trigger. Never jerk the trigger. The sudden
movement will ruin your aim. Trigger squeezing takes prac-
tice. But keep trying. You'll get it down to an art.

Now you are ready to fire.
But wait a moment!
What are you firing at? Where are you firing?
Remember the 10 Shooting Safety Rules - Be sure of

your target before you shoot. Never carry a cocked gun.
Cock it only when ready to fire. Even with the trigger safety
in the ON position, your gun is in fully loaded condition and
must be handled with care.


The first step in proper sight

alignment is to determine the shot
grouping of your new Daisy. To do
this, position a rest, such as a table
or bench, 5 meters from your tar-
get. Place your rifle on the rest,
and, aiming at the same point on
the target each time, fire three
shots. Do not attempt to make any
adjustments during the three shots.
At this point you are only interested in how well your shots
group. Once you have determined the grouping ability of you
and your rifle, you can then adjust your sights to bring the
group on target. NOTE: It may be necessary for each per-
son shooting your Daisy air gun to realign the sights to fit
his sight pattern.


A cardboard box 16 inches or more deep, and with at

least two-foot square front
surface, will serve as the
basis for the target. Center
3 inches of tightly bound
magazines (do not substi-
tute newspapers) on the
inside back wall of the box
opposite the target, and fill
the box with tightly
packed, crumpled news-
paper to prevent ricochet.
Once the backstop is com-
plete, tape the target to the front of the box. Do not use
metal fasteners–ammunition can ricochet.
As the target is
used, the backing must be watched closely and should be
replaced when the ammunition has penetrated half the thick-
ness of the magazines.


Whether you purchase a target trap or

make your own, it is important to remember that they will
wear out
with continued use. Because of this, you should
always place your backstop where it will be safe should it fail
and check it carefully before and after each use. A rebound or
ricochet is an indication that the backstop is faulty and that
you should stop using it immediately.