Daisy PowerLine 35 User Manual

Page 7

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Many people become proficient at gun handling without learning

the basics of proper marksmanship. Yet, these basics are intended for
one purpose–to increase your skills. If you haven't learned them, now
is the time to start. If you have, this may serve as a timely review.

Although there are four basic positions for shooting - prone, sit-

ting, kneeling, and standing, the one most challenging and the one
you will undoubtedly use most often is standing. To assume the
proper position, follow these simple rules: (All directions have been
given for right hand shooters - left hand shooters should, of course,
reverse the procedure.)


• From a position directly facing the target, face to the right of the

line of fire. The knees should be straight but not locked.

• Grasp the forearm of the gun in the left hand and place the butt of

your gun in the shoulder pocket with the muzzle pointed upward.

• With the right hand, grasp the stock at the pistol grip, then press

your cheek gently against the stock as far forward as possible
without straining.

• Thrust the left hip forward, lower the gun to shoulder height, and

with the left elbow directly under the gun, let the left upper arm
rest against your body.

• The forearm of the gun should be supported in the palm of the

left hand. (Thumb and fingertips, if using the NRA standing posi-

• Shift your weight to the left foot and lean your upper body away

from the target.

To assume the other positions: (It should be noted again that left
hand shooters reverse these directions when assuming the following
• Half face to the right, then lie at an angle of about 45 degrees to the
line of fire. The left leg should be completely relaxed. The right leg
should angle away from the spine and may be bent or straight. The
feet should be as flat on the ground as possible.
• Half face to the right, then in the low position, cross your legs in

front of you with the outside of each foot resting on the ground and
supporting the knees. Elbows should be placed near the knees,
forming triangles to support the rifle.

• In the high position, legs are not crossed; the feet are well spread,

with the heels braced, and the body leaning forward so the elbows
may be braced by the knees.

• Half face to the right and drop to the right knee. In the low position,

the left foot should be extended as far forward as is comfortable
while the right leg is flat on the ground with the shooter sitting on
the side of his foot. In the high position, the shooter sits on his right





Fig. 12


The first step in proper sight

alignment is to determine the shot
grouping of your new airgun. To do
this, position a rest, such as a table
or bench, 33 feet from your target.
Place your rifle on the rest and aim-
ing at the same point on the target
each time, fire three shots. Do not
attempt to make any adjustments dur-
ing the three shots. At this point you
are only interested in how well your
shots group. Once you have determined the grouping ability of you
and your rifle, you can then adjust your sights to bring the group on

NOTE: It may be necessary for each person shooting your air-

gun to realign the sights to fit his sight pattern.



Because of the velocity and

energy of PowerLine airguns,
care must be exercised in assur-
ing that you have an adequate
backstop for your target. A card-
board box 16 inches or more
deep, and with at least two-foot
square front surface, will serve
as the basis for the target.
Center 3 inches of tightly bound
magazines (do not substitute newspapers) on the inside back wall of
the box opposite the target, and fill the box with tightly packed, crum-
pled newspaper to prevent ricochet. Once the backstop is complete,
tape the target to the front of the box.

Do not use metal

fasteners–ammunition can ricochet. As the target is used, the
backing must be watched closely and should be replaced when the
ammunition has penetrated half the thickness of the magazines.

CAUTION: Whether you purchase a target trap or make your

own, it is important to remember that

they will wear out with contin-

ued use. Because of this, you should always place your backstop
where it will be safe should it fail and check it carefully before and
after each use. A rebound or ricochet is an indication that the back-
stop is faulty and that you should stop using it immediately.


Inside as well as

out, the rules of proper
gun handling remain the
same. If these rules are
observed, your
PowerLine is safe for
indoor shooting. Just
remember to take the
gun's power into account
and carefully follow the
instructions for con-
structing the target back-

If you are using a

multi-pump PowerLine

pneumatic air gun, two

pumps are recom-

mended for indoor

shooting. This will give
you a velocity only slightly higher than the conventional spring-piston
gun. However, the PowerLine CO2 guns, the high performance
spring-piston guns and the single pump pneumatic airguns deliver
consistent maximum power, so make certain that the target backstop
has been properly built.

For safety reasons, you must have the target placed so that

there are not entry ways in front of or to the side of the firing line or
behind the targets. If this is not possible, then doorways in the area
should be blocked. A canvas or heavy blanket should be hung behind
the target backstop which is free from the wall and clears the floor.
This will prevent ricochet should you miss the backstop. Finally, your
target should be well lighted. Remember to keep your PowerLine
unloaded until the target is up and you are ready to shoot.


point in any direction except down range.

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