Comark EV SOFTWARE User Manual

Page 19

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11.0 Mean Kinetic Temperature/Lethality/Pasteurisation

(EV Pro Only)

It is possible via the task set up to enter values for:

Mean Kinetic Temperature



Please refer to the user guide within the software for more information on the calculations for

MKT/Lethality and Pasteurisation.

12.0 21 Title CFR Part 11

12.1 What is 21 CFR Part 11?

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the USA, issued regulations Title 21 CFR

(Code of Federal Regulations) Part 11 that provide criteria for acceptance by FDA or an

approved regulatory body, for the acceptance of electronic records, electronic signatures,

and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records as equivalent to paper

records and handwritten signatures executed on paper. These regulations, which apply

to all FDA program areas, are intended to permit the widest possible use of electronic

technology, compatible with the FDA’s responsibility to promote and protect public health.

Part 11 applies to any record governed by an existing FDA predicate rule that is created,

modified, maintained, archived, retrieved, or transmitted using computers and/or saved

on durable storage media. In other words any record from a data logger, for instance that

is at some stage stored on a PC or where a PC is used to retrieve the data, 21 CFR Part

11 can be applied.

12.2 Title 21 CFR Definitions

Electronic Record - Any combination of text, graphics, data, audio, pictorial or other

information representation in digital form, that is created, modified, maintained, archived,

retrieved or distributed by a computer system.

Electronic Signature - A computer data compilation of any symbol or series of symbols,

executed, adopted or authorised by an individual to be legally binding equivalent of the

individual’s handwritten signature.

Digital Signature - An electronic signature based upon cryptographic methods or

originator authentication, computed by using a set of rules and a set of parameters such

that the identity of the signer and the integrity of the data can be verified.

Closed System - An environment in which system access is controlled by persons who

are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.

Open System – An environment in which system access is not controlled by persons

who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.