Comark EV SOFTWARE User Manual
Page 11

4.0 Writing tasks for EV loggers
Tasks must first be written and then programmed into the logger before it can be used.
The Task will define the instructions for the logger to perform, i.e. to log data.
4.1 Quick Program
First make sure that you have an active logger in the dock/cradle. Press the quick
program Icon and the software will display a new task applicable to the logger in the
dock. See above.
The task can be programmed into the Logger using the ‘Program’ button. It will also be
automatically saved to the task database.
If the logger has timed out and is no longer active then the task will be simply saved to
the database.
4.2 Completing the task form
The task form has four areas, General Setup, Logging Mode, Log Interval and
Miscellaneous. At the top of the screen is the area for a task description plus the settings
for the channels on the logger. In the example above, an N2003/N2013 is in the dock.
4.2.1 General Setup