3 cover end seal installation, Cover end seal installation -12, Figure 12 – CiDRA Elevated Temperature Sensor Head User Manual

Page 16: Measure & cut end seal -12, Figure 13, End seal installation -12

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Cover End Seal Installation

Un-spool a length of adhesive backed seal and wrap it around the
pipe. Overlap the length of seal by about 1.5 inches and then cut it.
Repeat for the opposite end of the cover.

Figure 12

Figure 13

Measure & Cut End Seal

Peel the backing on the seal strip to expose the adhesive strip.

Start installing the sealant about ½-inches before the center bolt hole
on the top of the cover. Push the seal into the space between the
cover and the pipe using an Allen wrench (or similar tool) so the
adhesive on the seal will stick to the seal material that was pre-
installed on the cover (reference Figure 6). Continue to push the seal
in until it is fully seated. The end of the seal should overlap the start
point of the seal by about 1 inch (or extend beyond the center bolt
hole by about ½ inch.

Center bolt hole on
cover end

Seal end point about ½
inches from hole

End Seal Installation

21020-01 Rev 01

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