2 stain options – C.B.S. Scientific MGU-202T-FL User Manual
Page 7

Instructions for Use
3.1 Mini-Gel Unit Preparation and Gel Casting
1. Place Mini-Gel unit on a level work surface
in an authorized work area. Place the adjust-
able height comb assembly over the gel bed
or gel tray. Loosen the white screws holding
the comb to the backing and adjust comb
depth (generally 1mm). Gently tighten the
adjusting screws and set the comb aside.
See Table 1 for comb volumes.
3.2 Stain Options
1) Safe Stains
Safe Stains are a less mutatgenic alternative to DNA and RNA visualization than
Ethidium Bromide and do not require exposure to UV light. Follow the Safe Stain
manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. Safe stains can be added at 4
different stages of electrophoresis:
a) into the agarose gel solution - Sections 3.2.5 and 3.3.2
b) into running buffer - Section 3.4.1
c) into sample loading buffer - Section 3.4.2
d) after electrophoresis - Section 3.5.2
2) Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) Staining
EtBr is a Mutagen. ALWAYS wear gloves. Dispose of solutions in accordance with
the safety regulations of your institution. EtBr can be added at 3 different stages of
a) into the agarose gel solution after the solution has been made molten and
the temperature has dropped to 55°C- Sections 3.2.5 and 3.3.2
b) into running buffer - Section 3.4.1
c) after the electrophoresis run in a stain solution. Use at a final concentration
of 0.5-1µg/ml.- Section 3.5.2