Bos KIRK 2014 User manual User Manual

Page 6

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Starting points adjustments whatever the inner setting

Refer to the Kirk charlist available on the download section on for details about standard settings for

each bike.


The progressivity adjustment featured on the Kirk, allows you to act on the air spring rate on the last third of stroke.
Therefore, from satisfying settings (air pressure and hydraulic) on the first half of the stroke, you can act on the last
mm of travel.
The most featured and simple cases are :

1. The shock has an overal setup to single out comfort and grip,and the bikes is quite low : by increasing the

rate you will get a better control of the châssis through the shock and avoid bottoming out. The rate curve is
more progressive (increasing at the end).

2. The overal setup of the shock is more responsive, with a chassis balance quite high. By decreasing the rate,

you can make sure that you use all the travel.

This setting is made through the o’rings placed inside the air chamber, by adding or removing some.
We suggest you to go step by step. At first play with two o’rings, then end the setting more precisely, with one o’ring.
By adding one o’ring in the chamber, the spring rate will increase of 2%.
Usually, the correct setting is made with 0 to 4 o’rings. But the range can go up to 10 o’rings depending on the

Thanks to a good compression curve, the KIRK shock allows the bike to keep a good balance, a good
response and handling. Bos thus recommends to set up the bike with a fast rebound, to keep that chassis
balanced, and avoid the bike staying low, which means that it will be less nervous, and less comfortable.
The feeling of «fast» or «slow» rebound will be different from a rider to another one. Thus it’s difficult to define it
precisely. It’s related to your riding style. We advise you to define your own range of correct rebound - the range
of settings between «too fast» and «too slow». Then, always choose the faster part of that range, for example
the three last clicks (unscrewing) on a range of nine.


Use only the o’rings provided by Bos. The material and the dimensions are specific.


Low speed compression : 15 clicks from the fully tighten position.
High speed compression: 12 clicks from the fully tighten position.

Rebound : 12 clicks from the fully tighten position.