Cam adjustments, Adjusting draw length – inner cam system – Bear Archery Compound Bow 2012 User Manual
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Adjusting Draw Length – Inner Cam System
Bow model:
• Strike
• Charge
• Home Wrecker
The inner cam system allows the bow to be
adjusted to all of its draw length positions
without the use of separate individual modules
and does not require a bow press for draw length
adjustments at 1” increments. Draw length
changes are made by first removing the socket
head cap screw that secures the inner cam unit.
Next, move the inner cam unit to the desired
draw length and reinstall the screw in the
corresponding hole. The cam itself is marked
with draw length increments where #10 is the
longest setting and #6 is the shortest. Such draw
length adjustments will not affect peak draw
weight. When the inner cam unit is repositioned
to adjust draw length, the draw stop must also be
moved to the corresponding setting marked on
the cam. Draw stop must be positioned so that
the side marked “OUT” faces out.
Additionally, fine draw length adjustments of ½
inch can be made by removing the bowstring
from the standard “dot” string post and
reattaching it to either the “+” or “-“ string posts
on the cam. Moving the string to the “+” post
will increase draw length by ½” and moving the
string to the “-“ post will decrease draw length by
½”. To make such adjustments, it is first
necessary to remove tension from the harness
system of the bow by compressing the bow in a
bow press.
A fixed or portable bow press must
be used! Under NO circumstances can this
relaxing of the harness system be
accomplished by simply backing out limb
bolts. Refer to the images on the next page for
additional reference.