Allworx Allworx User Manual

Page 43

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Allworx Interact and Interact Professional Version 1.1

Toll Free 1 866 ALLWORX * 585 421 3850

Page 35
Revised: 8/4/14

The application
provides fewer than
expected features.

Only the free features are
working (call pop ups), but not
the licensed features of Allworx
Interact Professional.

The Allworx Server Administrator enables
individual users for Allworx Interact
Professional. Ask the administrator to reserve a
license, or make the user eligible to obtain a
license (see the Allworx Server System
Administrator’s Guide). Users see licensing
changes take effect on the next logout/login in
the Allworx Interact application.

The font does not look

Windows XP users may
experience bit mapped fonts
within the Allworx Interact

1. Navigate to the computer desktop and

right-click on the desktop. Select Properties
from the drop-down menu. The Display
Properties control panel box displays.

2. Click the Appearance tab, and then the

Effects... button.

3. Click the check box “Use the following

method to smooth edges of screen fonts”.

4. Click the drop-down arrow and select


5. Click OK, and then click Apply, and then

click OK to save the changes.

Some pre-requisites
could not be installed
error message
displays and the .NET
4.0 Framework fails to

The .NET 4.0 Framework
installation requires
Administrative privileges.

Contact the Network Administrator to install the
.NET 4.0 Framework.

Cannot find the
personal contacts in
the Contact window.

Outlook 2010 contacts do not
display in the Allworx Interact
Professional Contact window.

The Allworx Interact Professional application
requires the Outlook 2010 application to be
open prior to launching the application.
1. Close the Allworx Interact Professional


2. Launch the Outlook 2010 application.
3. Launch the Allworx Interact Professional


The Outlook contacts are now available within
the Allworx Interact Professional Application.

Message displays:
Communication with
phone has been lost.
Attempting to

The Allworx Interact
application has lost contact
with the phone and is
attempting to reconnect.

Verify the following connections:
• Phone
• Computer
• Network activity
Verify phone is not rebooting.


