Master mix and monitor system – Allen&Heath XONE 62 User Manual
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XONE:62 User Guide
Master Mix and Monitor System
The XONE:62 provides a stereo main mix output with fader control and balanced XLR
connections to drive the house PA amplifier system. It also provides a mono output that
sums the left and right mix signals to feed an additional mono zone, sub bass or sound-
to-light controller. You can make a music only recording by connecting to the
independent record output. Full DJ monitoring facilities are available with independent
headphones and booth monitors, together with stereo metering system. Every signal
can be checked individually or within any mix, ideal for system setup and performance
cueing. Facilities such as Mono and Split-Cue switching are well suited to the way the
professional DJ works.
1 MIX MASTER. A rotary master control adjusts
the output level feeding the house PA. This is a
stereo control which adjusts the left and right signals
at the same time. It affects the stereo mix and
mono outputs. Note that it does not affect the
record and booth outputs. The maximum position
represents unity (0dB) gain. If you find yourself
normally setting the control in the lower part of its
travel then the connected equipment may be too
sensitive for the operating level of the console. With
the control set to its maximum position adjust the
input level trim of connected equipment for the
loudest level allowed.
In a club or similar installation strict sound
level and noise regulations may apply. Check
that your system levels are set up to comply.
2 MIX / MONITOR METERS. A pair of meter bars
displays the level of the selected headphones
monitor source in. This is either the main mix, the
Aux mix or Cue. When SPLIT CUE is selected the
left meter displays the active CUE signal, the right
displays PRG (program), both in mono.
Each meter has 12 leds to indicate signal levels
from a low –20dB. Green and yellow leds indicate
normal operating levels. The top red led lights at
+8dB still providing a healthy 13dB before clipping.
Meter ‘0’ represents +4dBu at the XLR outputs. The
meters are peak responding with a fast attack and
are therefore able to display fast transients
accurately. The top five leds are ‘peak hold’ which
means that the highest remains lit for a short time
after the signal has gone. This makes it easier to
keep track of the highest levels.
3 CUE indicator. A large red led lights when a
channel CUE is active. This indicates that the
selected channel CUE signal is heard in the
headphones and displayed on the monitor meters.
It is important to use CUE to set the channel gains
correctly to maintain the wide dynamic range
achievable with this console. Reduce the gain if the
red PK leds flash.